Did you say Holiday

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Pov (Colby)
I know (Y.N) use to traveling and so I decided to book us both ticket to Hawaii for the week and I'm so looking forward to it I packed our bags last night after she fell asleep so all that left to do now is wake her up and tell her it's time to go

Pov (Y.N)
"Hey sleephead" Colby say "Wake up pretty" he say "What time is it ?" I ask opening my eyes "It's 5am now get your cute butt out of bed" He says smiling at me "Why?" I ask "I've got a surprise thats why now go and get ready" he says looking at me "What should I wear ?" I ask "Something comfortable baby" he says back I nod my head and get into my sweatpants and matching hoodie before brushing my hair to come out and find Colby all ready "Looking sexy as always" he says giving me a kiss, we go downstairs and eat our breakfast before we get in the car, Colby then brings out two suitcases and places them in the boot of the car before placing his backpack on the back seat. "So where are we going?" I ask smiling at him "I'm taking you to the airport and then from there were going to Hawaii he announces which makes me smile "Omg thank you" I say getting excited. Once we get to the airport and we check in Colby smiles at me "I've got something for you pretty" he says as he pulls a present from out of his bag I open it and find a diary "Omg thank you" I say wrapping my arms around him He smiles "Well I thought you could use it to write down our adventures like you used to in high-school" he says "Your actually so sweet thank you" I say giving him a kiss and he gives me one back I slept all the way there on the airplane and once we got there we checked into the hotel and spent the day relaxing by the pool.

~ Monday ~
We make our way along the beach hand in hand as we place the bags down "So what do you want to do today apart from relaxing ?" Colby asks smiling at me "Well I was hoping to go for a dip in the sea" I say while laughing which makes colby laugh to "So a dip in the sea what else ?" He asks which makes me giggle "maybe some ice cream" I say which makes him laugh. "Okay we can do that" he says with a big smile " Tomorrow can we go surfing ?" I ask he smiles "Of course we can" he says while lying back on the towel and beginning to sun bath. "So I'm going to cool down" I say as I begin to run towards the sea "Wait for me babe" he says as he runs after me which makes me laugh I fall straight into the sea and begin to swim as I wait for Colby to catch up "Your cute but stop running off from me" he says wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him "Yes sir" I say he gives me a smirk "Careful I might like that" he says which makes me smirk back before giving him a kiss and then going for my swim he laughs as he follows me after a while of swimming I get out and lie down next to colby on the towel "Now to relax" I say as Colby takes a deep breath and grabs my hand.

~ Tuesday ~
"It's been a while but we're going to be fine" Colby says as we head out of the boards "Last time we did this I fell off" I say which makes him smile "I got seaweed stuck in my hair" he says which makes me giggle "It looked hot" I say "No I looked stupid" he says with a laugh "Let's try and focus in the waves now but boy is it going to be hard for me aspecially with you my girl" he says which makes me smile. We've been riding the waves for a hour now and it's so much fun but then suddenly a wave hits and I fall back straight into the sea I feel a arm wrap around me and then i'm pulled up and onto a hard surface "You okay baby" Colby asks "Yeah I wasn't ready for that" I say he smiles "Well your okay thats all that matters" he says before grabbing hold of my board and smiling "Ready to give it another try?" He asks "Hell yeah" I say which makes him giggle I love you.

~ Wednesday ~
For most of today we spent at the horse farm where they taught Colby how to ride one which was so fun watching him learn and now they have finally agreed that he can ride the horse with us on the beach the sun is setting and as we make our way to the beach on the horse as soon as we get there the horse starts walking and Colby horse catches up to us and walks next to us. "It's like a dream of mine to ride on the beach and that sunset is beautiful" I say looking at Colby "I couldn't agree with you anymore it's absolutely stunning and yes I know you used to talk about it all the time that's why I knew I had to learn to ride a horse today so we could do this together" he says looking over at me "Your really the best" I say smiling back at him.

~ Thurday ~
"Come and dance please" i say giving him the puppyeyes "Fine" He says as he grabs my hand and walks with me to the dance floor, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him as he grabs my hand and starts to dance with me "See isn't this fun" I say smiling at him "Yes it's wonderful baby" he says before giving me a hug and a kiss. "Does your mother know that your out" I start singing as they change the dance song "A bit of Abba I see and yes she knows I'm out" He says before giving me a smirk "Well you know what that means right?" I say he laughs "I think I know what's coming" he says with a big smile on his face.

~ Friday ~
I'm in the pool while colby relaxing by the side of the pool that's when I get the best idea ever and I splash him with water I watch as he sits up and looks directly at me he walks over to the edge of the pool and looks at me "Was that you pretty girl ?" He asks which makes me laugh "Maybe" i reply which makes him shake his head "Why would you do that I was so nice and dry and well now I don't really have a choice but to join you baby" he say with a massive smile "Oh damn it" I say with a big smile on my face "That's why you did it" he says "Maybe" I reply he puts his feet in the pool and sits down at the edge "I don't know it feels cold" he says "Your teasing me" I say which makes him giggle "Maybe I am baby" he says as he gives me a kiss before he joins me in the pool "You always get it your way" he says with a smile "Come over here and stand under the waterfall with me" I say he laughs "There a waterfall in a pool" he says giving me a confused look "Yeap it's just under the bridge" I say which makes him smile.

~ Saturday ~
Today just been spent shopping it's the last day and so as soon as we got back from the shopping trip we made our way down to the local beach. "Well we're home tomorrow" Colby says with a smile "It's been fun thank you so much for all of this" I say as he smiles at me "I love you so much babe" I say which makes him smile "I love you to the moon and back" he says before giving me a kiss.

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