Summer romance

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Pov (Y.N)
"So your telling me that this isn't that romantic ?" I ask him as he laughs at me "No it's perfect I'm just saying" he replys which makes me laugh "Is it because the sun's not setting yet?" I ask he shakes his head "No it's because we're surrounded by screaming children" he replys which makes me laugh "Oh yeah that's a good point" I reply "But it's fine because I'm with you" He replys giving me a kiss "You know what?" I say he wraps his arm around my waist "What baby" he asks "I want to go surfing" I reply "You sure?" He asks "Yeah" I reply. We make our way over to the surfing instructor and we head on out on the waves and we smashed it both of us did it was so surreal "That was the hottest thing I've seen you do" Colby says as we head out of the ocean "That was so fun" I reply giving him a kiss "You've got a bit of something in your hair" I say "Can you get it please" he says "Yeah of course" I pull some sea weed out of his hair and we both begin to laugh.

1st July
Dear diary, what can I say the summer just began and so far its off to a great start so today was Exam results day and guess what I passed all of my tests which was the best news ever, I was so nervous when I walked in to the hall to collect my results but I had Sam and Colby by myside we decided to collect them together and then open them together which was amazing because we all passed and we got to celebrate together, the best part though was that Sam's parents hosted a little barbecue today and guess what My family and Colby Family were invited so we all went, we mainly played video games in sams room until we were called downstairs to go and actual join our parents but mum and dad seemed to enjoy it so I'm happy.

2nd July
Okay so big news diary and I'm so happy right now as I write this Colby has asked me out and I said yes it was so romantic he took me to the beach with a blanket and a picnic and we spent the evening talking and being together and we even watched the sunset which was so romantic like you see in the movies and the next thing I know colby kisses me and asks if I will be his girlfriend and of course I said yes, Summer has officially began and I've got the cutest boy with me.

10th July
Dear Diary today me, Sam and Colby went exploring an abandoned house in the forest which was so fun but also really scary to I loved it so much but at times I heard some strange noises but Sam kept saying it was just the old house making noises which I mean is a fair point if something hadn't touched Colby and made him scream which was defo the best part and then I may of jumped in colby arms because I got scared but we went for food after so it wasn't as bad as I though it would be.

12th July
Dear Diary today me and Colby told Sam we are seeing eachother and he gave us a big smile and said he already knew and when we asked him how he said he knew we were made for eachother and that we wouldn't stop flirting when we were at his house for the barbecue which of course was a lie adleast I think it was anyway sam happy for us so yay.

15th July
Dear Diary, Today me and Colby went on our second date it was so romantic we went to watch Spiderman which was so cool but to be honest I couldn't really focus on the movie I kept looking at Colby who was also not really paying much attention to the movie, we decided to share the popcorn and every now and then I felt Colby hand brush against mine and it literally gave me chills each time oh I'm in love and I already know it and at the end of the date we shared a kiss which was so nice

16th July
Dear Diary, Today was spent at the beach it was perfect I started off by learning how to Surf with Colby of course it was my first time and I just wanted to try it and I'm in love it was so fun but oh my seeing Colby on the waves was like a scene from a movie he looked so hot and bad ass oh I love him so much I even fell off at one point and he came over to me and put me on his board to make sure I was okay he so sweet. When we got out of the water I finally saw the seaweed that was stuck in Colby hair which made me laugh so much he's so funny and then he gave me a hug and I felt so safe the safest I've ever felt in all my life I'm so lucky.

18th July
Dear Diary, Today we had one of the best days ever So Sam, me and Colby went to a theme park it was so fun the rides were amazing, and my fear of highs has gone and I'm not sure how but it has I went on all the big rides and I didn't close my eyes the view was so beautiful from the top Sam said I was mad for saying that because he was just waiting for the drop rather then looking at the view which was definitely a missed opportunity on his part and the rides were the best and so fast, the only problem was that the ques were quite long so we did have a lot of waiting but we spent that time talking about the future and what we wanted to do we also decided that we would definitely be coming back to the theme park once everyone goes back to school and College.

23rd July
Dear Diary its been a while so Omg so much has happened since I last updated you it's been so long so most of my days are Spent with Sam and Colby or just me and Colby and then sometimes just me and Sam which is always great but we went to a friend's party tonight and it was great I danced and colby even danced with me which is the highlight of my night, Sam also did Karoke with me and Colby filmed it and decided to post it on his Instagram story which made me laugh I'm just so happy.

I feel a tear well up as I continue to read what would be our last summer and the last time I would call Colby my boyfriend I place my eyes back onto the diary..........

27th July
Dear Diary Today I have a big thing on my mind I need to have a big conversation about the future you see high school is over and college is just around the corner and I've decided to accept an offer at a college that is out of town which means I'm moving away it's a fabulous course and of course I want to take it only thing is I need to tell Sam and Colby because there staying at a college close by wish me look

Pov (Y.N)
"Hi Sam" I say looking at him "Hey what's going on it sounded serous on the phone" He replys smiling "Well promise you won't be mad" I say looking at him "I promise" he replys "Well its about college, I've been offered a place on a travel course at the best college for travel and we'll it's not here it's nowhere near here which means I'll only be able to see you guys on holiday and breaks" I say feeling sad "That's okay I mean that's amazing I'm so glad you got in and it's fine we can call and text everyday" He says giving me a hug "Thank you Sam" I reply "I'm just proud of you and happy for you" he replys as he hugs me tight "Have you thought anymore about my idea though to start a youtube channel and show everyone your travels" he asks "Yes I have and I've gone for it I've set it up I've just got to post my first video any ideas ?" I ask "Yeah, you should do a get to know me video" he says smiling "Thank you your the best" I say giving him another hug.

So after Sam left I filmed my first video and all that's left to do is edit it and make a thumbnail only problem is I won't be able to do that until I tell Colby because my anxiety is high right now.

"Hi (Y.N) you wanted to talk to me about something" Colby says with a smile "Yeah it's kind of important" I reply "Okay babe" he replys "So you know how I applied for a travel course?" I say "Yeah I do I was with you when you did it silly" he replys "I know, it's just I've been excepted" I say he smiles "That's amazing babe" he replys giving me a hug "Only problem is we both failed to relises that it's not close to here in fact I'm going to have to move" I say his smiles drops "That's okay babe we can talk everyday on the phone and face time and I can see you when ever you come home to visit" he says kissing me.

July 28th
Dear Diary I know I'm a bit late updating you on the situation but it all went find Sam and Colby are both happy for me and proud so I'm glad, I told my parents and they were also happy for me and unsure but I've arranged for a holiday for me Sam and Colby out of the country to show them both that I will be fine and who better to go with and we'll Colby said it won't affect our relationship so it means I can still see him and stuff and I'm so happy.

I sigh as I put the diary down if only that's what happened then it would be fine.

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