Haunted Saloon

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Pov (Colby)
I'm so excited that she decided to come home with us But even better that she agreed to come on a ghost hunt I'm so excited "So where are we actually going ?" She asks looking at me and then back at Sam who's driving the car "To a old western style bar called the Pioneer Saloon" I say smiling at her "It does sound old with that name" she says while laughing "How are you feeling about your first ghost hunt?" Sam asks her which makes her smile "Excited very excited" she replys which makes me smile half an hour later we are here. I get out of the car and open (Y.N) door for her she gives me a smile "Thank you" she replys "Hi Guys and welcome back to the channel I'm Sam and this is Colby and we're joined today by Colby Girlfriend and my best Friend (Y.N)" Sam announces which makes her laugh "(Y.N)I have a very important queston to ask Do you believe in Ghosts?" I ask which makes her nod her head "Yeah, infact when I was a kid I used to play with one" she replys which makes sam look shocked "Huh" I reply wanting her to tell the story "Okay so when I was a kid I had a "Imaginary friend" Called Cindy anyway I used to play down the garden with her my mum always assumed it was just my imagination until she had a team of ghost hunter out that confirmed that Cindy was a child who used to live at the house until she sadly passed away she was a very friendly ghost and just wanted to play" She responds which makes me and Sam smiles "Aww thats kind of cute" I reply which makes her smile "She also pushed Eve down the slide the once I say that was revenge which I loved of course" I say which makes both boys laugh "So before we go in people do report seeing ghostly figures, strange occurrences and being pushed" Sam says before pushing me I go falling but lucky (Y.N) catches me just in time "Thank you" I say giving her a kiss "No problem" she replys smiling at me, "Let's go inside" Sam says as we head inside "Do you recon there any Acholic Ghosts in here ?" (Y.N) asks which makes me smile "Maybe I mean it is a pub after all" I reply which makes sam nod his head in agreement.

Pov (Y.N)
We've only been here for a few minutes and already it feels cold, it smells like Alcohol mixed with a musky old smell which doesn't go well together I feel something run past me as the air feels diffrent "Colby, Sam" I say both boys look at me "Is everything alright?" Colby asks "Yeah it's just I felt something run past me" I say "Oh really" Sam says "Sam why did you say it like that?" I ask he laughs a little "Well while doing my research on the place there was a lot of people say they had things run past them as well as items thrown at them" He replys smiling at me "Oh lovely" I reply while laughing "Your not scared?" Colby asks looking at me "No" I reply he smiles "Wow" he replys before coming over to me and giving me a hug. "Well beens as your not scared I say we go down to the basement" colby replys "Yeah and I say we do the estes method down there" I reply which makes sam laugh "Yeah I agree with (Y.N)" Sam says looking at us "Let's go then" Colby says as we head down the stairs we arrive in the basement the walls are cracked and there cob webs everywhere, and a few beer barrells lying around and 3 chairs in a circle "Okay the chairs are a little unsettling" I say Colby wraps his arm around me "Don't worry babe it will be fine" He says looking at me We set up for the method before Sam sits down and puts the headphone and blind fold on "Is anything here with us ?" Colby asks "Yeah" Sam replys "Are you a good ghost or bad ?" Colby asks "Find out" Sam replys "What's your name ?" I ask "They call me Spiritus" he says "Are you a boy or girl ?" I reply "man" he replys "What's your real name ?" I ask "I go by Spiritus" he replys "Okay" I reply "You like to be mysterious I guess" I say "You've got it Sweetie" he replys "How did you die ?" I ask "Accident" he replys "What sort of accident ?" I ask "None of your business" he says "Okay drop the attitude" I say which makes Colby laugh "Don't tell me what to do sweetie" he replys which makes me look at Colby "Sorry if I've upset you" I say "You didn't your just very annoying" he replys which leaves me gobsmacked Colby laughs again "Come on man she only asked a questin" he says looking at me with a smirk "Just coz your fucking her doesn't mean you have to stand up for her" He replys which Makes colby go red, he taps Sam on the shoulder who immediately takes his stuff off "What happened ?" Sam asks looking at us as we're both Red in the face "The ghost was sassy" I say which makes Sam smile "But let me guess you was sassy back" he says knowing me to well "Don't you know it but he got the last word" I reply which makes sam shocked "I never thought I would see the day" he replys which makes me laugh. "Come on let's go investigate somewhere else" Colby says as we head upstairs, For the rest of the night we just had a few moments where strange thing happened and a few moments where I felt something run past me like a game of chase. We also had a battery drained really quickly and few problems with the flashlights but other then that it went really well for my first ghost hunt.

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