My Everything

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                    ~ One year later ~

Pov (Y.N)
Life's going good I met Up with my mum and sister and we sorted things out even though me and Eva won't ever be the best of friends it doesn't mean we can't be sivel and as for my dad turns out Sam was right and he was just to drunk to text me back on new years, other then that I've been traveling with the boys for there ghost hunts and while they are filming and meeting up with other youtubers I explore the place we are and vlog it and it works out very well, my fans are over the moon and I'm the happiest I've ever been everything just seems to be working out for the better.

Pov (Colby)
Life's good I met the girl of my dreams and I'm having a blast honestly its been one of the best years of my life and thats why I know what I've got to do next and Sam helping me out with it trust me it was hard at first keeping it a secret from her but she believed me that were In Newyork for a ghost hunt when really I've got something planned.

Pov (Y.N)
So I've spent most of the day filming the beautiful places in Newyork and its amazing I get back to the hotel fully expecting for Colby and Sam to be leaving but they wasn't "Hey I'm back" I say as I walk in "Hey babe" Colby says looking up from his phone and walking over to give me a kiss "Are you two not getting ready ?" I ask looking at the boys as Colby pulls away from the kiss "They cancelled on us babe apparently one of them is sick with food poisoning" Colby says with a light smile "But we were thinking maybe we could go out to eat ?" Sam says looking up "Yeah I'm hungry that sounds great" I say smiling Sam phone begins to ring "I've got to answer this see you in a bit" Sam says as he walks into the bathroom "Weird" I say while laughing "So babe ....." Colby about to speak when Sam comes rushing out of the bathroom "Got to go" he says before running out of the room "What happened ?" I call after him but it to late he's gone "I was going to ask where you fancied eating ?" Colby asks looking at me "I'm not sure" I say smiling "Well why don't we go down to the beach first then?" Colby says "Yeah sure I would love that" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek as we make our way out of the hotel room.

We took a steady stroll to the beach and my heart stopped as soon as we got there Sam was smiling and colby looked at me There was a table in the middle of the beach with candles and rose petals scattered around it "Is this for me?" I say looking at colby who nods his head "It's so perfect thank you so much" I say smiling at colby "Come on then dinner waiting for us" Colby says as he grabs my hand and leads the way down to the table he pulls my chair out for me before I take the seat "Thank you" I say smiling "No problem babe" he says as he sits down opposite me "On the menu tonight all your favs" Sam says as he smiles Colby grabs the red wine and begins to pour it into our cups "I'll go get the starters" Sam says as he walks off "I can't believe you made Sam our waiter" I say while laughing which makes Colby laugh even more "It's crazy what he does for a friend" Colby replys which makes me smile "Isn't that a song lyric" I say he laughs "Caught red handed" He admits as he smiles at me Sam walks over to us carrying two plates "For your starter Prawn cocktail" Sam says with a big smile before placing the plates down "Enjoy let me know when you want your main" he smiles before walking off we eat our starters and then call Sam back over he goes to get our mains coming back with steak and chips "Your really spoiling me tonight" I say with a smile "Just wait for desert baby girl" Colby replys giving me a huge smile. We ate our main talking about random stuff and life and then desert strawberries in chocolate my fav "with a side of cookie dough" Sam says "Thank you so much" I say as Sam smiles "I'll give you two some alone time now" he says as he walks off "Colby your honestly the best all my favourite things Thank you so much" I say smiling "Go on babe tuck into your desert" he says with a big smile.

Pov (Colby)
I waited until after desert before I got up and moved closer to her I got down on one knee pulling out the ring from my pocket as I got down "(Y.N) you mean the world to me, I've known you for years now and everytime I see you you make me smile and you make my heart burst you are the kindest, funniest and smartest people I know will you do me the honor of marrying me" I say she smiles widely at me "Yes" she shouts which makes me smile "She said yes" Sam says to the camera as I can see its placed on both of us "Wait this whole thing was to ask me to marry you" she says with a big smile "Yeah it was baby" I say she wraps her arms around me pulling me into a hug "I love you so much Brock" she says which makes me smile "Well you want to get use to that last name because it's going to be your soon" I say with a smirk.

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