The Reason i'm home

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Pov (Y.N)
I'm so excited but also nervous I'm seeing my dad today which I can't wait I hear a knock on the door and I run to answer it grabbing my bag "Two seconds dad" I say as I grab my shoes and sit on the stairs tieing my laces "No problem, look at you you've grow since I last saw you" he says grinning at me as I walk over to the door "See you later Mum Bye Eve" I say as I shut the door and walk to the car with dad "So how are you ?" He asks smiling "I'm good thank you" I say he smiles at me "That's good, so where do you want to go when we get to the mall ?" He asks smiling "Can we go for a coffee first please ?" I ask "of course we can" he replys, we soon get to the mall and we head straight to the coffee shop ordering our drinks before we sit down "So what have you done since you've been home ?" He asks "Well I've spent time with Mum and I met Up with Sam and we had a day out before I reconnected with Colby as well and then we all went to watch a movie together so mainly hanging out with the boys but it's nice to finally see you I've missed you so much" I say as I smile over my drink "Same here" he replys as we talk for ages and then head round the shops.

                ~ Christmas Day ~

"GET UP NOW!" Eva shouts at me causing me to turn over and look at the time "It's 5am in the morning what the hell?" I say looking at her "It's Christmas day and we always used to get up early" she replys "Yeah when we were 12 were to old for that now" I reply which makes her roll her eyes at me "Just get up" she replys which makes me get up as we head to mum room "Mum get up" Eva calls as mum turns round "Let's go open presents then" Mum replys as we all head downstairs. We open presents and then I make my way back to bed waking up at 9am and feeling much better once I head downstairs we get in the car and make our way over to nans where we spend the day stuffing our facts and spending time with family.

                   ~ Boxing Day ~

I've just finished my make up when dad messages me to let me know he's on the way "Eva you better be ready in 5 minutes" I shout as I get out of my room and head downstairs for my coat and shoes once I've finished the door goes and I welcome in Nan and grandad before dad car pulls up "I'll see you later mum" I say giving her a hug and a kiss before Eva does the same and we head out into the car, once we arrive at dad's we eat food and play party games and I get to meet his new girlfriend which was diffrent I waited until Eve and Kelly dad's new girlfriend went out of the room to do the trifel before I spoke to dad about the new years thing "So Dad I need to tell you something ?" I say he smiles "What's that honey ?" He asks "Well about the new year thing I'm not spending it with Mum after all I'm going to Vagus with Sam and Colby to celebrate it with them" I say smiling he smiles back "I think that a wonderful idea love" he says as I feel even more happier.

                  ~ The Next Day ~

I head downstairs and go into the living room where Mum and Eva are sat watching the TV "Mum, Eva can I talk to you ?" I ask looking at them "Sure what's wrong ?" Mum asks smiling "Well its about New years......" she cuts me off "Your not spending it with your dad are you ?" She replys "No I'm actually going to Las Vagus with Sam and Colby and spending it with them" I say "Oh" mum replys looking shocked "Oh Great So your leaving us again, to go and party with your stupid ex and your mate wow" Eva explodes looking at me "There my friends" I say "I Don't care if there your friends or not your so selfish mum was looking forward to spending new years with you and now you've gone and ruined it like you ruin everything since the day you were born mum and dad were happy until you came into the picture and then you fucked everything up didn't you, Not even to mention the face that your a attention seeker that's what you used to do at high-school attention seek all the time and some how you get everything you want don't you, you get the guy and the money and the chance to travel and you don't think about anything else you leaving is the reason mum and dad broke up you were a mistake anyway I was planned they wanted me to fix the problem that was you" she says my eyes are watering I look at my mum and she says nothing looking away from me I get up and I run out of the front door going to the only place I know I'm safe Sam's house I knock on the door and Sam answers quickly "What's happened?" He asks looking at me I walk into the house as he closes the door behind him "(Y.N) Darling What's happened?" He asks again as i look at him I tell him the whole story as he gives me a hug I finish telling Sam what happened when I hear a voice behind us "What a bitch" Colby says he looks at me "I'm so sorry Babe" he replys giving me a kiss and then he left Sam's house "Colby where are you going?" I ask no response "It's okay" Sam replys looking at me.

Pov (Colby)
I just listened to the whole story all the vial things that she said to my girl I can't anymore I give her a hug and a kiss and I make my way over to her house. I open the door and walk in "(Y.N) honey is that you" I hear her mum call "Guess again" I say walking into the living room "Oh hi Colby" her mum replys "Hi" I reply I look at Eve now who has a smug look on her face "I don't know what your so happy about what you said to your sister is disgusting and horrible your such a nasty person" I say I then look back at her mum "Do you know why she spending new years with me and Sam it's because she feels like she letting you and her dad down like if she spends it with you her dad upset and If she spends it with dad then your upset so I suggested she spends it with me and Sam because then she won't feel like she let anyone down and that's so sad that she feels that way and it breaks my heart but you know what also breaks my heart all the nasty things she just been told and the way you just let it happen" I say pointing at her mum "Do better, because one day your going to wake up and she won't talk to you and your daughter safe so don't worry" I say as I leave the house. I walk straight back to Sam's house and smile when I walk in and see he's managed to cheer (Y.N) up a bit "Where have you been?" Sam asks looking at me "Telling (Y.N) mum and Eve off and I basically told your mum what you told me the other day" I say as (Y.N) eyes widen "YOU DID WHAT I TRUSTED YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" she shouts clearly upset "Because they need to understand how much this is hurting you" I say she shakes her head at me "It wasn't for you to tell" she shouts back I see that she crying again I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her "Leave me alone" she says pushing me "No" I say back holding her closer to me "I didn't want them to know" she says as she begins to cry "I'm sorry" I say "He was just looking out for you" Sam says looking at us "I know I'm sorry Colby I just really didn't want Eve to have something else to wined me up about" she says as I give her a hug "Are you okay I didn't hurt you did I?" She asks suddenly realising that she pushed me "No you didn't hurt me" I reply as I give her a kiss. "I don't want to go home" she says looking at me "You don't have to your mum knows your safe so stay with me and my parents they love you anyway" I say giving her the biggest hug "Do you want me to go and get your stuff ?" Sam asks looking at her "Will you both come with me tomorrow to get my stuff I don't want to go there today I don't have the energy for another fight" She says "Yeah you look good in my clothes anyway" I say which makes her laugh.

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