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Pov (Y.N)
Today's the day I'm meeting Sam, I'm halfway through my makeup when Sam messages me

On my way now see you soon, I'll come and pick you up I know we said we would meet there but I've missed our car karoke x

Okay then I'm nearly ready now so I'll see you soon thank you Sam I can't wait to see you x

Not long to wait now x

I smile at my phone as I put it away and finish my makeup I'm so excited but also a little nerves it's been a while since I last saw Sam, I grab my bag and then head downstairs when I hear a knock on the door I open it and see Sam smiling at me "Hey" I say wrapping my arms around him and giving him a hug "It's wonderful to see you" Sam says I smile "I can't believe your actually here" I say he smiles "You should come home more often" Sam replys "I second that hi Sam" my mum says "Hi" he replys "Are you ready to go then (Y.N)" he asks smiling "Of course" I reply as I wave goodbye to my mum and follow Sam out to the car We get in and Sam starts driving "I would ask what you've been up to but I already know i watch your videos" Sam says giggling at the end "I watch your to and Colby and I love the ghost hunts you do" I say smiling at him "You should come on one with us just like old times" Sam says smiling "I don't know, I don't think Colby would agree with your there" I say Sam looks a little sad "Anyway where do you want to go today?" I ask he smiles "Well there is a place in the mall that has my photo up can we maybe go see if it there?" He asks "of course we can that's the first stop" I say he smiles. We talk more in the car and it doesn't feel like anything changed like we're back to being kids and seeing eachother everyday I like this Sam parks the car and we both get out heading towards the mall, we head straight to the shop and that's when I see it "Sam I think I see you" I say smiling he begins to smile to "It is as well" he says "We need to go in and take a photo please" he says giving me the puppy eyes "How could I say no to you" I reply he grins let's go then he says dragging me into the shop "Hi" A lady says smiling "Hi I was just wondering if I could get a photo with me and this photo" He says smiling "Of course" the lady says as Sam hands her his phone "(Y.N) get in" he says I go and stand next to him and point towards the sign with one hand and doing the peace sign with another Sam smiles, "Thank you" he says to the lady as she hands him his phone back. "Where to next?" He asks "Shall we get coffee then we can do some shopping" I say he smiles on course I would love that we make our way to Starbucks and quickly get our drinks, "Shall we sit down and drink or have them take out?" Sam asks "Sit down for a bit " I say he smiles "Perfect" He says as we take our drinks and sit down he instantly goes on his phone "Give me a second" He says smiling "okay" I reply "How's it feel being home?" He asks "Not the best not that I'm not glad to be here it's just...well..." I say "Eve" he says "Yeah, you know me to well" I say he gives me a light smile "She's always been a bitch to you a proper show off as well all the horrible things she did to you no wonder you don't like being back" he says "I don't mind it though coz your here and my parents" I say he puts his phone down and smiles "When my mum told me you were back home I knew I had to see you it's been almost a year and I miss you lots your my bestfriend hey even if you don't like coming back your always welcome to visit me in LA just let me know your coming just incase I've got plans" he says smiling "I might just do that" I say he smiles wider now. We drink our coffees and head back to do some shopping "It must be here I need it " I say which makes Sam laugh "Maybe his records over there with the others" he suggest I nod my head and make my way over there "Yes finally" I say celebrating "You really haven't changed at all your still into your records I always used to say you were a old soul" Sam says smiling at me "What can I say, I mean you haven't changed ever and I see you and Colby still share clothes which is adorable" I say which makes Sam laugh "Sometimes I borrow one of his jackets that's all" he says smiling "I know bestie" I reply. We do way to much shopping and I start to laugh "Right before food let's get these bags into the car" Sam says which makes me giggle "Of course" I reply, we head out to the car and dump the bags "We can sort them out later" Sam says making me laugh "Yes I wouldn't mind that" I reply "Now can we please go eat I'm starving" I reply he smiles "Of course we going to the restaurant that also happens to be a pub" Sam asks "Don't you know it" I reply which makes him laugh "Seriously though I've missed you I've missed this" I say he smiles "Same girl Same" he replys.

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