Dear Diary .....

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Pov (Y.N)
"So I was wondering If after class you want to meet colby, You know my bestfriend other then you of course" Sam says I laugh "Of course I would love to meet him" I say which makes Sam smile "Right you two over there stop talking" Mr Clarkson says which makes me laugh "Yes sir" I reply Sam begins to laugh "What" I ask him he smiles  "Teachers pet" he replys "I am not a teacher pet" I reply "You two I've already told you don't make me do it again" Mr Clarkson replys Teacher pet ey I'll show him "Or What?" I reply "Huh" Sam says "What did you just say ?" MR Clarkson replys "You heard me what are you going to do about it " I reply everyone looks shocked including Sam "You don't talk to me that way detention" he replys "Whatever" I say "Okay (Y.N) stop" Sam says "Fine" I reply shrugging at him, The bell finally rings and me and Sam make our way over to the lockers "Hi Colby" Sam says smiling "Hi Sam and who's this?" Colby asks "Colby this is (Y.N) and (Y.N) this is colby" Sam says introducing us "So your the famous (Y.N) I've heard so much about you" Colby says with a smirk "Wait you've been talking about me?" I say "Yeah and now I'm going to tell Colby what you just did in our maths lesson" Sam says "What did you do?" Colby asks looking at me it's now I relises his blue eyes and I get lost in them "(Y.N) what did you do?" Colby asks again pulling me out of my trance "She got detention for asking the teacher what he was going to do if we carried on talking" Sam says while laughing Colby smirks at me "and you make her sound like a goodie to shoes" Colby replys "Normally she is" Sam replys "I am right here you know" I reply which makes them both laugh "How long you got in detention?" Colby asks "I don't know and I don't care I'm not going" I reply "Hold on you need to go you'll get in trouble" Sam says looking concerned "Nah I'll be fine" I reply "You need to go I'll walk you there myself" Colby says "I'm not going" I reply "Well see about that" Colby replys.

Finally the end of the day and time to go home or so I though, I leave my form room as I feel someone grab my arm I look around to see Colby "You've got a detention to go to" He replys "I'm going home" I reply "No your not" he replys as he grabs my arm and pulls me towards Mr Clarkson room "I've got detention to" He replys looking at me "What did you do?" I ask he smiles "Refused to take my feet off the table apparently that's the worst crime ever in this place" He says which makes me laugh "Come in" Mr Clarkson says "Sir I don't want to be here" I reply "Neither do I but I am" Sir replys "So we can just go then sweet" Colby says as he grabs my arm and walks towards the door "No sit down" Sir says "I don't want to" I reply "Me neither" Colby says "Well you will sit down so Sit" He says "You can't make us do anything and your not aloud to touch us" I reply standing my ground "Do we have a problem in here?" The head teacher says walking in "Yeah these two won't sit down" He replys "Right (Y.N) Do I need to call your mum and tell her that your playing up" she says "Do what you want as if she cares" I reply "of course she cares and Colby what about you?" She replys colby laughs "Do what you must" he replys "Just sit down now" she replys "Yes mam" Colby replys sitting down I go and sit next to him "Right thank you I'll leave you in the capable hands of Mr Clarkson" she replys as she leaves me and Colby start to laugh again "So (Y.N) what do you like to do in your free time ?" Colby asks while smiling at me "I like to research places to visit, I love reading, watching movies and I like to paint as well what about you?" I ask he smile "I love the idea of ghost hunting, I love to explore and I do vine with Sam which is fun" he replys which makes me smile "That's cool" I reply he smiles.

10th September
Deary Diary, Today I finally met Sam bestfriend yes I met Colby and Gosh he's so fit and kind he makes me smile and laugh and I can see why Sam is his best mate when I'm with him it's a breath of fresh air like nothing bad could ever happen, we may of spoke all the way through detention which makes me  laugh you should of seen Mr Clarkson face ha it was a picture as well as the fact he was like really mad at both of us I still can't believe that he made me go to detention but I'm not mad I got to talk to him as well as annoying my teacher which is a bonus I don't know why I acted the way I did but I love it being bad today was so fun. Maybe I should do it more often aspecailly considering the teacher called mum and that made dad and her actually talk which was nice until they sat me down and shouted at me I know I deserve it but I'm glad they are talking Even if it is about how bad I am.

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