Wanting you

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                   ~ Smut Warning ~

Pov (Y.N)
"We're going to bed now Sam see you in the morning" I say as I get up off the couch "Goodnight" He says smiling at us, as soon as we get into Colby room he gives me a lustful look before kissing me and latching on to eachother my arms roaming his body as I make my way up to his neck, I start to kiss him more desperately now I've missed him so much and now I've finally got what I wanted back "Hey, stop rushing I know you've missed me I've missed you to" he says smiling sweetly at me "Fuck" I say back as he smiles again latching our lips back together he gently slides his tongue against my teeth begging for entry I do what he wants as his tongue slides against mine. I feel his hand gently making its way down my body before it's landed just above my bum "You okay pretty girl?" He asks which makes me giggle "Yeah Pretty Boy" I reply as he laughs to "I want you Colby like I really want you" I say which makes him smile "Pretty girl I think that can be done because you know what I want you to" He says smiling at me before he reaches over and begins to take my dress off quickly throwing it on the floor before reaching down and pulling at the waist band on my pants "Now what shall I do with these ?" He says giving me a smirk "Nothing until that shirt of your comes off" I smirk as I take his shirt off "Much better" I reply which makes him laugh "Right then something else needs to come off" he says before unclipping my bra at the back and letting it drop to the floor he then takes my boob in his mouth which turns me into a moaning mess.

Pov (Colby)
"Colby" she moans which turns me on even more "Yeah pretty" I say looking at her "Stop teasing me" she says which makes me giggle "Who said I'm teasing you?" I grown back before I lift her up and press her against the door "Colby Sam" she replys which makes me giggle "Shhh then" I reply as I begin to kiss her again I feel her legs wrap around my waist as she kisses me back "You sure you want this ?" I ask looking at her "Yeah" she replys giving me a dumb founded look "Okay then" I say while laughing as I carry her over to the bed and gently lay her down before taking my Jeans off and my pants "Do you want me ?" I ask as "Yeah" she replys as I smile, I get on the bed and take her pants off before spreading her legs open before attaching my mouth and eating her out. She moans back "Colby I'm close" she says which makes me stop what I'm doing and look up towards her "What you doing ?" She asks "Looking at you" I reply knowing that she wants me more now that I've stopped "Two can play at that game Mr" she replys as she gets up and begins to suck my dick after a while she pushes me down on the bed and gets on top of me she grabs my hands and puts them on top of my head as she gives me a smirk she then connects our lips together and I take this moment to make my next move taking my hands from above the bed I trail them down her body and flip us so I'm now on top "That's better isn't it baby" I reply which makes her laugh "Whatever you say" she replys with a smirk "So do you still want me ?" I ask with a look "Yeah" she replys "What do you want me to do?" I ask she rolls her eyes "I thought it was obvious I want you to fuck me" she replys which makes my little friend spring up "Your wish is my command" I say quickly as I line us up and thrush Into her "Your so tight" I reply she let's out a moan I begin to move in and out which makes her moan even more which is now making me moan "Colby" she says looking at me "Yeah babe ?" I ask she stares at me and smiles "I'm close" she replys "Me too babe" I reply, a few minutes later I roll over onto my side and stare at her before giving her a kiss while we both catch our breaths "I love you babe" I reply which makes her smile "I love you more" she replys which makes me smile, I then feel her head on my chest, as I begin to play with her hair I go to ask her something but she's already asleep.

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