Like old times

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Pov (Y.N)
"Shit my mum she going to kill me and be worried" I say suddenly realising they I didn't go home last night "Hey its fine she knows you stayed here last night with me" Sam says looking at me "Thanks sam" I say smiling "No problem, I know she worries so I sent her a little message" Sam says smiling "Talking of your mum though I think we should have some breakfast and then get going considering your coming to the movies later she'll probably want to spend some time with you" Sam says smiling "Okay" I say smiling back.

I'm finally home Sam dropped me off on the way back to his I smile as I see my mum watching a movie "Hi Mum" I say "Hey sweetheart" she says smiling "Did you have a good day yesterday?" She asks "Yes thank you it was wonderful seeing Sam again we did loads had lunch, went shopping oh that reminds me I kind of brought some stuff" I say smiling "Oh let's see what your brought" she says smiling "Okay mum" I say as I show her what I brought "It's all lovely sweetheart I'm glad you had a great time and how lovely was it of Sam texting me to let me know that you were fine and staying at his he Said you feel asleep in the car you must of been tired" mum says smiling "Yeah I did wake up early" I say "Is it okay that I'm going to the movies with Sam and Colby later ?" I say "Yeah that's fine" she says smiling "Okay there going to pick me up at 6 I did tell them I have my own car and I am capable of driving but Sam said and I quote no need we can all go together which was nice I suppose" I say my mum begins to laugh "I was wondering if you would help me curl my hair?" I ask she smiles at me "Of course I will honey". We go to my room as my mum helps me get ready

Pov (Colby)
Sam pulled up outside (Y.N) house "You going to collect her or should I?" Sam asks smiling at me "Can I?" I ask Sam smiles "Of course you can" he says with a smirk I walk over to the house and knock on the door "Just a second" I hear (Y.N) call which makes me giggle just like old times I think to myself, the door finally opens and so does my mouth she looks stunning "You look beautiful" I say smiling "Thank you" she replys with a smile "You look good yourself" she says her mum smiles "Home by 11pm" her mum says looking at me "Yes mam" I say smiling "Really I'm not 14" she says looking at her mum who starts to laugh "Home by 11 no later" She says which makes (Y.N) roll her eyes "Fine see you later mum love you" she says before kissing her mum cheek and stepping outside of the door and closing it. "Hey" I say she smiles "Hi" she replys "Just like old times with that curfew" I say grinning at her "Don't you dare tell Sam I mean it it's embarrassing" she says which makes me giggle "I could keep our little secret but I mean what's in it for me ?" I ask joking around with her "Me not dieing of embarrassment" she says which makes me smile "Fine, I like having secrets with you anyway" I say with a smirk which makes her shake her head "Really" she replys as I open the front car seat door for her "Do you not want to sit in the front?" She asks me "No go ahead I like it in the back anyway" I say smiling as she gets in and smiles at me I shut the door and then head into the car myself. After a few minutes they both begin to sing songs "Guys really" I say which makes them both laugh "Don't act like you don't want to join in Brock" (Y.N) says which makes me laugh "Yeah stop acting to cool for us" Sam says. So I give into peer pressure and I sing with them and I actually enjoyed it.

Pov (Y.N)
We finally arrived after the whole sing song I'm still so embarrassed that my mum gave me a curfew infront of Colby as well he's not going to let me live this one down I think to myself as we all get out of the car We make our way into the cinema and proceed to go to the mashine on the wall it looked like a line Sam went to the first one I was at the second one and Colby was on the last one we all had the seat page on as we waited for one of us to pick the seats "Sam please just pick one" I say which makes Colby laugh "What about the middle row there three there" Sam says "Yeah that's perfect" I say "Better not be near any crying kids" Colby says which makes me laugh "What?" He replys looking at me "You haven't changed much" I say which makes him laugh as he probably remembers the day on the beach, I go back to my screen ordering my drink and popcorn before paying and getting my receipts the boys didn't take to long after me. We got our snacks and drinks and made our way into the theaters which I was so excited for I ended up sat in the middle of Sam and Colby which I liked I got the best of both of them. "Your really going to eat your popcorn while the ads are on ?" Colby asks looking at me "Well I'm hungry and the smell is so good and these ads are so long for no reason" I say which makes Colby and Sam laugh "Shh" a women sat next to Sam says "Lady chill the film hasn't started yet" I say she rolls her eyes before looking at the ads "Maybe she just really likes ads" Sam says shrugging his shoulders "There the Same ads you see at home" I whisper which makes him laugh "Your right" he whispers back "Shhh" the lady says again which makes us laugh.

The movies over and the credits roll "That was amazing" I say looking at the boys "It really was" Colby says as he looks at me and smiles "Shall we go and get some food?" Sam asks looking at us "Yeah let's" I say as we head out of the cinema and into the main area and out to the pizza place over the road "Pizza Yes" I say doing a little victory dance "PIZZA" Colby says matching my energy "I've never seen someone so excited over pizza" Sam says with a huge smile on his face "Can we please get the little bread dough things to share please" I beg as they both smile "Yes" they both say at the same time we make our way inside and I feel colby hand brush lightly over mine as we walk which makes my heart pound oh gosh no please I can't, am I I mean he's so cute and also your ex come on girl get it together I think to myself as we walk over to the table and sit down, we eat our food and then stay for a drink before we hit the road "(Y.N)" Colby says looking at me "Yeah" I reply looking back at him "Have you seen the time ?" He asks "No" I reply before seeing that it's almost 11pm "Oh well" I say smiling "What's wrong ?" Sam asks "Nothing I think Colby just worried because of last night that's all" I say smiling "Yeah that" Colby says rolling his eyes at me luckly Sam wasn't paying attention to him I got home 10 minutes past 11 and we'll my mum wasn't very happy. I don't know why she thinks she can controlle me I'm old enough to come home when ever I want but now I'm grounded for a day which sucks how can I be grounded at my age. I lay in bed and feel my eyes close

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