Talk about it

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Pov (Y.N)
I wake up in a strange room where am I? I think to myself, I get out of bed and grab the nearest item which is a heavy book, I slowly open the door and make my way into the hallway "Hey your finally up" a voice call from Behind me I turn around  holding the book up "Colby" I say putting my hand on my heart "Sorry if I scared you" he says smiling at me "How,Why.." I say "Well last night you got drunk and you were going to get more drinks Sam tried to stop you, you don't listen to people so he called me" colby says smiling oh god he hasn't changed a single bit "Oh okay thank you I guess" I say "I should really be .." He cuts me off "Can we talk?" He asks "Sure" I reply as I follow him into his room "Look I'm so sorry about everything I really acted like a dick and I'm so sorry your not selfish your anything but and I shouldn't of said those words I said I regret them and I regret breaking up with you over text that was horrible I'm so sorry (Y.N)" he says staring into my eyes "It's fine I forgive you" I say he smiles "(Y.N) your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so sorry that instead of just telling you that I shouted and got upset I'm so glad that your doing what you love and you chased your dream I'm so proud of you" he says smiling "Thank you, I'm so glad your doing what you love to you seem so happy" I say he smiles at me "You watch my videos just like I watch yours don't you" he says smirking "I've missed you" I say "I'm just glad to have you home (Y.N) and I've missed you more I'm sorry for not reaching out it's just I though you were better off without me" he says a sadness in his voice "Never, Never thing that my life so much better with you and Sam in it I'm sorry for being distant and I'm sorry for not visiting more often I just wasn't sure if you would want to see me" I say "Of course we want to see You (Y.N) don't be silly" I hear a voice say from Behind me I turn around to see Sam smiling "I love you boys so much" I say they both smile at me "We love you more" They both reply "You better not be a stranger now that you and Colby have worked things out" Sam says "I'm never letting you guys go again I promise" I reply "Well that's good to know because I actually need someone to come and explore a haunted park with and we'll I think I know who" Colby says grinning "Okay fine" I reply "Great" they both reply. "Also (Y.N) just so you know a book isn't a very good weapon" Colby says while laughing which makes me laugh "It's the only thing I could find" I reply which Makes the boys laugh. Oh how much I've missed this hanging out with them joking with them "Do you want to come to the movies with me and Colby later ?" Sam asks "Yeah sure" I reply smiling. "(Y.N) just so you know I ain't letting you go again I will be in your corner cheering you on I'm not going to let you down okay" Colby says making me smile "Loud and clear" I reply which makes him smile "Where are you going to next ?" Colby asks "Well I don't know maybe a quick visit to Las Vegas before I head anywhere else" I reply making Sam and Colby smile "Your going to take my offer and come and stay with us for a few days or even better your going to move to Las vagus ?" Sam asks making me laugh "Hold your horses I'm not even there yet what if I hate Las vagus?" I reply to which colby smiles "You won't because your going to love it there I promise they have party places and I know how you love to dance so" Colby says smiling at me " it does sound nice" I say making the boys smile "I'll stay with you for a few days first though okay" I reply making the boys smile "okay" Sam says "I know your going to love it" colby replys giving me a huge smile.

Pov (Colby)
I love her already just like I did all those years back she hasn't changed one bit and now I've got her back in my life I'm not going to ruin it again, it feels just like old times and being with her is amazing I'm glad shes forgave me for what I said but I still feel guilty for what I said to her and I don't want to break her heart again so friend it is even though its going to be hard for me I know I can't risk losing her again. (Y.N) happy and Sam is and so am I it's the happiest I've been seeing her again its bringing back all the memories we shared together.

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