Date Night

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Pov (Colby)
"I honestly don't see your problem" I say looking at (Y.N) who laughs a little bit "It's not that I don't want to be in the video it's just you know I don't want your fans thinking I'm only using you guys for view and shit coz it's not like that" she say i grabs her hand and smile at her "They will know the truth soon okay just hang in there" I says giving her a kiss "Fine I'll film the video with you" she say giving me a defeted look which makes me smirk "Sam" I call "Yeah" he shouts from upstairs "She agreed to do the video hurry up before she changes her beautiful mind" I say making her smile at me "Beutiful mind ay that's a new one" she says leaning up and kissing me, I smile as breaks away putting a strand of her hair behind her ear "Ready?" Sam asks as he looks at us "Yeah" We both reply laughing. We sit down on the couch as Sam sets up the camera before sitting next to (Y.N). "Hi Guys it's Sam today and welcome back to my channel so today I'm here with my two bestfriends and we'll me and Colby are going head to head to see who knows (Y.N) better" Sam says "I'm going to win" I say confidently as (Y.N) laughs at me "Okay boys so first queston, What's my full name ?" She says with a smirk "(Y.N,Y.M.N,Y.L.N)" Sam announces happily "How do you know that?" I queston as they both begin to laugh "I've known her since we were Toddlers I've heard her name be shouted before when she gots in trouble" Sam explains while smiling "what day did I first met colby?" She asks "7th September was the day that Sam introduced us to eachother" I shout out which makes (Y.N) smiles at me "Wait you actually remember" she says giving me a soft look "Yeah of course thats the day I met the prettiest girl ever" I say which makes her smile at me "I love you" She says looking at me "I love you more" I reply "Okay which country was I in before I came home ?" She ask "Greece" I say which makes her smile again "Yeap and what did I do there" she replys "You went horse riding, boat rides, and to the beach" I say back which makes her nod "Where did I stay?" She asks "You stayed close to where they filmed mamma mia" Sam replys "Correct " she replys. We asked a few more questin until (Y.N) announced who won so Sam you got 3 and Colby your got 4 which means Colby knows me better" she says which makes Sam smile "I still know her better" he says before laughing.

Pov (Y.N)
"So what shall I wear to this date?" I ask looking at Colby who begins to laugh "Whatever you want babe" he says looking at me "So sweatpants and a beutiful top then" I say he smiles at me "If you want you look sexy in everything" he replys looking at me "Your so annoying" I say which makes him laugh "You won't be saying that later" he replys "Why what's planned for later?" I ask giving him a smirk "That's for me to know and you to find out" He replys smiling sweetly at me "Not fair please tell me" I say giving him puppy eyes "No babe" he replys before giving me a kiss and walking towards the bathroom. I sigh before getting changed into a beutiful dress while waiting for Colby I grab my laptop and upload the video file before titling the video Meet my boyfriend ♡ and then I hit the post video, "Hey babe" Colby says appearing from out of the bathroom "Hey I've just posted the video" I say nervously he smiles at me "Good now the world will know how much I love you" he replys before wrapping his arms around me "I'm just going to get dressed beutiful" he says before grabbing his clothes and heading into the bathroom when he's finally ready he comes out "Ready for our date then?" He asks which makes me smile "Hell yeah" I say which makes him giggle at me. We drive over to the restaurant before getting out of the car. Colby grabs my hand as we make our way inside "Omg its beutiful" I say he smiles at me "Only the best for you my love" he replys before telling the lady our name so she can take us to our table, the tables look beutiful with roses in vases and a candle on the table "Here's you seats" the lady says as me and Colby sit down "This is so romantic" I say staring into his eyes "I know it is" he says smiling we order our food and talk before the food arrives and we eat it "Would you like desert?" Colby asks smiling at me "Not from here but maybe I could have a diffrent kind of desert when we get home" i say with a smirk which makes colby eyes widen before he runs over to pay and then comes back over to me "What you waiting for then" he says which makes me smile.

                ~ Smut Warning ~

We get in the car I can see the emergency in colby eyes "Who said we had to go home ?" I say which makes him give me a look of pure hunger "When did you get so much dareing" he asks before he begins to kiss me I kiss him back while working my hands on getting his shirt off he does the same to me as both of us work at getting eachothers clothes off he goes to undo my bra but I stop him "Why baby?" He asks looking at me "You can do that when we get home but right now I need on thing" I say which makes him smirk "What is that one thing that you need?" He asks looking at me "Your dick" I say he smiles now "Your wish is my command" he says "Your not a genie" I say which makes him giggle before I pull his boxers down "Are you sure about this?" He asks "Yeah are you okay with it ?" I ask smiling at him "Yeap" he replys before taking my pants of and pushing into me without warning "Colby" I say which makes him laugh as he begins to thrust in and out which turns me into a moaning mess which isn't helped by the fact Colby is also moaning "Your so good" he says looking at me "I'm so close Colby" I say looking at him "Me too baby" he replys staring in my eyes "Shall we cum together?" He asks I nod my head "on the count of 3" he says "Okay" I moan back looking at him "1..2..3" he says we both cum together. We wait a minute until we both calm down "that was hot" I say which makes him laugh "Round 2 when we get home?" He asks I nod my head at him.

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