Chapter 1

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Beginning of Junior Year
Y/ns POV

I walk the hallways after school with Ellie, Noah, and Nash. Ellie and I walk behind the two boys.

"Bro I met this guy over Fortnite. He's pretty cool. He's really good at the game and he's super chill. You should play with us later," Nash, my brother, says.

"Nah I gotta get to soccer. I can't believe you're not doing it this year man. Like what's up with that!" Noah says.

"I'm focusing on football now duh. It's so much better than soccer. You get to shove people around!" Nash says.

"Boys," I whisper to Ellie shaking my head. Ellie giggles causing me to giggle.

"Well Y/n and I gotta head home. Since she hurt her leg, it's so nice I just get to go home right away!" Nash says excitedly.

"Nash that won't be for long I'm almost able to get back to playing soccer and horse back riding. It's also not my fault mom and dad won't get me a car and I'm to broke to afford even an ass car," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, bye Noah," Nash says doing the weird guy handshake with Noah.

"Bye Ellie," I say with a sigh. She giggles and hugs me.

"Good luck," she whispers and I roll my eyes.

"Bye Y/n," Noah says hugging me and kissing my forehead. I smile and hug him tight.

Nash makes a gagging sound and I turn around and slap his shoulder. "Shut the hell up!" I say and walk out of the building and to Nash's car.

We drive home which we don't live too far away from the school.

I get out and grab my school stuff from the backseat. "Thanks," I say walking into the house with Nash.

I walk into the kitchen reading the text I just got from mom and dad. "Won't be home until late. The plane got held up," I read out loud and Nash sighs.

"They just hate us. They honestly want nothing to do with us!" Nash says and I stay quiet.

Nash speaks the truth. Are parents aren't very loving to us. Especially not to me. They bought Nash a car, his gaming set up and they buy the essentials for us both but I'm usually stuck buying stuff for myself.

I'm working two jobs, plus soccer, horseback riding, and school.

It's honestly very tiring but I don't let it show. The only people who really know about how exhausted I am are Ellie, Nash, and Noah. Noah keeps trying to get my to quit one of my jobs but I tell him I can't. Neither him or Ellie know about how are parents act.

"Wanna order Pizza?" Nash asks snapping me out of thought.

"I mean we could. I can't really afford paying for it though," I say and he nods. "I'll make something for us," I say and me and Nash look for recipes.

"How about something simple like burgers and fries?" I ask and Nash agrees. "I'll start it in a bit. I got a little geometry homework I didn't finish in class."

"Alright. I'm gonna go call Dominic," Nash says heading to his room. I sigh heading to mine pulling my homework out.

I turn on my Taylor Swift playlist on and connect my phone to a speaker. I sing along as I finish my homework.

Once my homework's done, I head to Nash's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" He yells and I walk in. I see him on FaceTime with a boy that looks about our age. I also see a girl in the back writing in a book.

"I'm gonna start dinner now," I say to Nash. I notice the girl on the phone look up and at the camera. I smile a little bit.

"Okay, just leave my door open and yell to me when it's finished," Nash says and I nod walking out.

I go to the kitchen and somehow manage to not start a fire and burn down the house while making burgers and fries. "Nash! Foods ready!" I yell to him.

Nash walks out with his phone still on FaceTime.

He sits next to me at the island in our kitchen. I hand him his plate and he thanks me.

"So this is Y/n my sister. Y/n this is Dom," Nash says propping the phone up against the napkin holder.

"Hi Dom," I say shyly looking at the camera.

"Hey Y/n. I've heard a lot of good things about you. Nice to finally get to meet you," he says and I smile. He's very polite so he must be a little older than us.

We get into a conversation the three of us before the girl walks into the frame. "Dom, have you seen my guitar pick? I can't find it anywhere!" The girl says and Dom shakes his head.

"No I haven't but you should come meet Y/n. She's your age," he says and the girl comes into the camera.

I see her face fully now and I smile. She's really pretty. "Hi I'm Y/n," I say shyly.

"Hi Y/n I'm Olivia!" The girl says and I smile widely.

All four of us talk for a little longer before we all exchange socials.

I get Olivia's Snapchat, instagram, tiktok and BeReal.

Later that night around 9:30, I sit bored in my room. I decide to snap Olivia.

I take a picture of my ceiling "hey Olivia it's Y/n" I say in small text above my head.

She snaps back a picture of her ceiling "hey Y/n!"

The two of us continue to talk and get to know each other. When I look at the time it's 11:00.

"Ahh shit I should go to bed I got school," I type and put it above my head.

"Yeah I should to. Gn Y/n. Sweet dreams 💕" Olivia snaps back.

"Sweet dreams Liv 💕" I snap back with a smile.

I put my phone on the charger, as well as my AirPods. I plug in my laptop then get back into bed.

I lay down on my side and find my self think about Olivia. She's a really sweet girl.

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