Chapter 24

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The next morning
9:00 AM
Y/ns POV

My alarm sounds and I open my eyes. I reach over to the bedside table reading the time. The time reads 9:01 AM. I look at Olivia and she still soundly sleeps. Her lips parted a little and soft, light snores escape her mouth.

I smile and lay back down, reaching my arm to hers. I gently stroke her arm with my nails. A couple minutes later, Olivia starts to stir. She opens her brown eyes and looks at me. She smiles before coming closer to me.

I laugh, hugging her close to my body. "You love snuggles," I chuckle, now stroking Olivia's hair.

"Yep," Olivia mumbles into my collarbone.

Eventually Olivia raises her head from my neck and looks at me. "You ready to get up?" I ask and she nods. I take the blankets off me and walk to the bathroom. I don't bother closing the door since it's just Liv. While I'm going to the bathroom, Olivia walks into the bathroom and looks in the mirror frowning. I laugh at her and she glares at me.

"What?" I say as she looks back into the mirror.

"Look at my hair!" She giggles. Her hair is all crazy from sleeping. I laugh at her and she hits my arm as I wash my hands.

"Shut up," she says. We're both hungry so we decide to go into the kitchen and I make us pancakes. "How do cook without burning the house down?" Olivia asks making me laugh.

"I'm gonna have to teach you at some point," I say and she smiles. I finish the pancakes and plate them. I place the maple syrup on the table with the butter in front of Olivia. I sit across from her and we both eat are pancakes in a comfortable silence.

Once we're both done, Liv offers to put the dishes in the dishwasher. While she does that I head to Nash's room and tell him there's pancakes.

"I'll be down in a few," he says.

Olivia meets me back in my room and sits next to me on my bed. "We should leave here around 2-2:30. It takes about 2 hours to get to Sofi stadium and I know we should be about 2 hours early so we can find parking and stuff," Olivia says and I nod.

"Alright. I guess we should maybe start getting ready then?" I ask and Olivia nods.

We both get up and walk to the bathroom. "Wanna shower first?" I ask Olivia.

"Yeah," she says. I walk out of the bathroom and Olivia gets in the shower. I lay on the bed scrolling on TikTok. 20ish minutes later, Olivia walks out in a towel, her hair wet. "Can I borrow your bathrobe?" She asks and I giggle and nod my head.

"Yeah go ahead. Am I good to get in real quick?" I ask and Olivia nods.

"Yeah go ahead. Just call me in," she says and I nod.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly take my clothes off throwing them in the hamper. I step into the shower, the glass isn't clear it's like a white color. I turn the water on then call Olivia in.

"I'm good Liv! You can come in!" I yell to her. I hear the door open and I assume Olivia grabs my bathrobe and turn puts it on. I start quickly washing my hair and body while Olivia gets ready.

20ish minutes later I'm ready to get out. "Can you hand me my towel Liv?" I say. I slightly open the door and see Olivia grabbing my towel. I open the door a little more letting my head and hand poke out. "Thanks," I say.

I dry my body and hair and then ask Olivia to hand me my other bathrobe. She hands it to me through the small opening and I thank her. I quickly put it on and step out of the shower. I see Olivia has somewhat gotten ready. She blew dried her hair and brushed her teeth and all that. She takes out her makeup and starts doing it.

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