Chapter 12

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A couple hours later
Y/ns POV

I wake up to Olivia gently stroking my cheek. I open my eyes and look up at her. She smile at me and I smile back.

"Good morning. We're here!" Liv exclaims and I chuckle sitting up.

I help Olivia fold the blanket and put it back in her bag. We then get out of the car and I see Conan and a tired Iris waiting for us by the door.

We're staying in a little condo type thing that has its own small pool and jacuzzi. There is three rooms, and 4 bathrooms.

I grab the key from Conan and unlock the door excitedly. "Ready birthday girl?" I ask before I open the door.

Olivia has a huge smile on her face. "Ready!" I open the door and we all walk in and look around.

"Oh my god Y/n! This is gorgeous!" Olivia exclaims looking around. I smile.

Before we go and get our bags, we want to explore. "Guys come here real quick!" I say getting the threes attention.

The walk over to the island in the gorgeous kitchen. "So I think we should figure rooms out. There are three bed rooms. There are two downstairs and each have a full size bed and there's bathrooms attached to them. Upstairs I think we should give Olivia because it's got a huge bed and a gorgeous bathroom. It has a balcony the looks out on the ocean," I say and they all nod.

"I want my own bedroom, since I'm the only guy," Conan says and we all agree with that.

"Y/n? Do you wanna stay with me?" Olivia asks and I smile.

"If you want me to," I say shyly.

"Of course I want you to! Iris are you good with your own room?" Liv asks and Iris nods.

"Yeah! I'll actually be able to keep it clean to without Conan messing it up ," Iris says teasingly.

"Alright then. Let's go explore!" I say and Conan and Iris wander downstairs probably to see the rooms. Liv and I stay together and explore the middle floor which we're on.

We look around the kitchen and the living room. We look outside on the patio. It has the pool and jacuzzi on it. We then come back in side and look at the downstairs bathroom. It's pretty big and has a nice shower in it.

"Wanna go check out our room?" I ask and Olivia smiles.

"Yeah!" She says happily. We walk up the nice stairs and see two doors. One leads to a linen closet and the other leads to our room.

We open the door and Olivia's jaw drops. There is a huge king sized bed in the middle of the room with two tables next to it. There is a massive tv on the wall and below it there is some drawers.

There is a walk in closet with plenty of room for our clothes. Olivia walks over to another door which is the bathroom. We walk in and there is a hug mirror and below it are two sinks and plenty of counter space. There is a toilet, of course, and a huge walk in shower with glass around it. There is also a massive circular bathtub with jets in it.

"I know what I'll be doing later," Olivia giggles looking at the bathtub.

"Hey! You read my mind," I say and Liv smiles.

We walk out of the room and I sit on the bed. Olivia comes over to me and opens her arms for a hug.

"Thank you so much Y/n. This is the best birthday ever," Olivia says and I smile.

"Of course. Anything for you Olivia," I whisper the last part lowly.

We both let go and meet Conan and Iris outside. They're taking the bags out of the car. I walk over and take Olivia's bags out first then I take mine. "Thank you," Olivia says sweetly. I smile and we walk back up to our room and place our bags in the closet.

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