Chapter 17

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Y/ns POV

I sit next to Olivia, stroking her arm as she cuddles into me. "Shh," I say as she continues to cry.

"I'm so sorry," she says between sobs.

"Liv you don't have to be sorry. You can't help being sick," I whisper in her ear.

"You've been dying to come here for so long and your stuck in the hotel room with sick me whose throwing up," she cries.

"Liv I rather be stuck in a hotel with sick you and comfort you and care for you than be exploring. I'm sure this is just a little stomach bug that'll pass. I'm not gonna leave you sick all by yourself," I say and Olivia hugs me.

Eventually Olivia and I get up and I help her in the bed then lay next to her.

"Are you gonna go out to eat with the class?" She whispers.

"No, I'm gonna stay and cuddle with you. I'll have Nash get us something and bring it back for us," I say and Olivia frowns.

"But Y/n..." I cut her off by placing my finger to her lips.

"No buts. I'm staying with you," I say grabbing my phone from the nightstand and going to Netflix.

I pull up Miss Americana, Taylor Swifts documentary. "Let's watch Miss Americana and cuddle," I say and Olivia faintly smiles.

"Okay," she whispers.

Just as we're getting more comfortable, there are knock on the door. I groan pulling the covers off of me and getting up.

I walk to the door seeing Iris, Nash, Ellie, and Conan.

"Hey! Why aren't you ready?!" Iris exclaims.

"I'm staying back with Olivia. She's still not feeling good," I say and everyone frowns.

"Do you want us to get you guys anything?" Nash offers.

"Yeah that'll be great. Just send us pictures of the menu and we'll pick off of that," I smile.

"Okay, we'll be back later! Feel better Liv!" Iris says and the others follow.

"Thank you guys!" Olivia calls back with a raspy voice.

I close the door as they leave and turn back to Olivia. "Ready?" I say and Olivia smiles and nods.

I climb back into the bed, laying half down and I place the phone on me. I open one of my arms and Olivia scoots over and lays her head on my chest.

We turn on the movie and Olivia giggles as benji walks across Taylor's piano making the keys sound.

I smile at Livs giggles. I start stoking her back up and down with my nails. Olivia lets out a sigh of pleasure as I do this and butterflies start fluttering in my stomach.

About an hour and half later, we finish Miss  Americana and Olivia turns to me. I smile at her and she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she whispers in my ear and I wrap my arms around her.

"Of course, I love taking care of you Liv Liv," I say and Olivia squeals.

"A new nickname?!" She giggles happily.

"Yep, I hope you like it cause I do," I say and she smiles.

"I love it."

We decide to watch the reputation stadium tour next that's also in Netflix. I start the movie and as we get into it Olivia starts singing along and I just listen, mesmerized by her beautiful voice.

"Your voice is literally so gorgeous Olivia," I whisper and she turns her head.

"I bet your voice is so gorgeous to. Better than mine I bet," she smiles and I shake my head.

"No ones voice can beat yours Liv. Not even Miss Taylor Alison Swift," I whisper.

Olivia and I just stare at each other with content smiles. She breaks the eye contact by hugging me tight.

"I'm so grateful for you Y/n," she whispers into my chest.

"I'm so grateful for you Olivia," i whisper back.

Olivia turns her head, still hugging me. We continue to watch the reputation stadium tour with her hugging me.

After another 2 hours, the movie finishes and a knock sounds from the door.

Olivia moves off of me and I get up walking to the door. I open the door finding Nash standing with 2 boxes of food.

"Here you are," he smiles. I gratefully take the food from him with a smile.

"Thank you Nash," I say.

"How's Liv doing?" He asks peering behind me to try and see Olivia.

"She's doing a lot better. Just really tired now," I say and he nods.

"Well I should get back. Good night Y/n. Goodnight Liv!" He calls out to Olivia.

"Night Nash!" She calls back and I chuckle.

"Goodnight Nash," I say as he walks away. I close the door and walk back to the bed with the food.

"Food!" Olivia exclaims making me laugh.

"Yep, here you are my lady," I say and she giggles.

We sit on the bed and eat our spaghetti and meatballs together. We just talk about stupid stuff while we eat.

When we both finish, I throw out the empty containers, then climb back into the bed with Liv.

"You ready for bed? I bet you're tired," I say and Olivia yawns and nods.

I turn off the bedside table lap then turn to Olivia. Her back faces me so I move closer to her, laying my head on her pillow. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her against me.

Olivia's hand grabs mine, bringing it under her shirt to her stomach. She lays my hand on her stomach before intertwining them together. I press my forehead into her back a little, cuddling close to her.

Olivia's thumb brushes over my hand and my heart flutters. I love this girl.

We continue to just lay next to each other, not sleeping. I think we're both waiting for the other to sleep.

Eventually Olivia looses, falling asleep. I'm quick to fall asleep after her.



Livs nominated for 6 and so is Taylor Swift.

I can't wait ahhh

The red carpet starts at 6 ET and the actual show starts at 8 ET I believe.

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