Chapter 15

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A couple months later
Y/ns pov

Senior year has been a blast so far. I've gotten somehow closer to my friend group and especially Liv. My feelings are still strong for her but I haven't said anything because I don't want to ruin it.

Next week, our whole senior class is going on their trip. We decided to go to New England specifically the Boston area. We plan on staying in a hotel in Boston and traveling into different states around for things.

Are rooming situation is actually awesome. Olivia and I are sharing a room together and I could be more happy. Conan is in a room with one of his other friends and Iris is roomed with Ellie.

Speaking of Ellie, her and I are okay now. We kept running into each other at the barn and thankfully after a while we both talked. She said she had no idea and that she was definitely mad at Noah and still is.

We became friends again and she started sitting with us at lunch again.

Noah on the other hand I'm not so sure of. He came and apologized to me multiple times but I haven't accepted them. I can tell though by his face that he's actually very sorry. We were going strong for a while and we got really close so I can read him.

Nash still hands out with him and is roomed with him. I'm not really mad or sad about Noah anymore. He was my first boyfriend and crush but I can't help but think that we were separated for a reason.

Right now I'm sitting at my desk, writing in my journal. I'm trying to keep myself occupied for the weekend. Liv just went home a little while ago so it would be weird for her to come back again.

I sigh spinning around my chair bored. I pick up my phone and go on Snapchat. I snap people back for a little before going on TikTok and scrolling.

The next time I put my phone down when I'm done with TikTok the time reads 11:32 pm. I was on TikTok for like 3 hours. TikTok really keeps your attention I guess.

I groan and get out of bed and walk around my room not knowing what to do. I hear a ding from my phone and I silently pray that it's Liv texting me.

I pick up my phone and see Olivia's contact name pop up. I smile and unlock my phone going to our messages.

(Liv is on left and y/n on right)

Hey! U up?



Call me

Olivia's contact name and picture pop up at the top of my phone and I smile answering. I prop my phone up on my desk lamp.

"Y/n!" Olivia says in a sing song voice. I laugh and and smile.

"Olivia!" I say back with a sing song voice.

"Why are you up so late?" Olivia asks and I shrug.

"Not really sure. I guess I'm just really lonely," I say and Olivia frowns.

"Missing me?"

"You know it," I smile and Olivia giggles. "You've practically lived with me for a while. We're always with each other and having sleep overs so it's weird sleeping and being alone."

Olivia smiles and I continue to writing nonsense in my journal. I glance up a little and see Olivia just staring at me. I glance back down and I don't think Olivia stop staring. I smile to myself and continue writing.

Eventually I look up and see Olivia looking at her tv with a soft smile on her face. She looks over at me "you done?" She asks.

"Yeah. I wasn't even really doing anything. Just writing Taylor's songs down on some paper," I laugh and Olivia joins.

"It's really weird being away from you right now," Olivia whispers.

"I know. Are you busy tonight? Wait is like 12 of course your now busy," I mentally face palm.

Olivia laughs again. "No im not busy at 12 am."

"Shut up," I smile. "What if I were to drive over and sneak into your house?"

"Well then if you do at least warn me so I'm not terrified," Olivia says and I smile.

"I'll be there in 15," I say and we hang up on the phone. I quickly change into some shorts, and  at-shirt. I slip on my air forces and run into Nash's room. "I'm taking your keys to go to Livs," I say and he throws me his keys not really caring.

I run out of the house and get in the car then start driving to Livs house. I play Taylor on the way and tap the wheel along with the beat.

I arrive at Livs 10 minutes later and park Nash's car. I call Liv and she answers.

"I'm here," I say and though Olivia can't see me, I smile.

"I'll come down and let you in now," she says and we hang up.

I lock Nash's car and walk to Olivia's front door.

"Hey," Olivia says when she opens the door.

"Hi," I giggle quietly.

We walk up to Olivia's room wuietly and shut the door. Olivia turns to me and smiles hugging me tight. I wrap my arms around her and hug her back.

Olivia started laughing as we hugged and that caused me to start laughing. We started dying and fell on the floor.

"Shhh!" I say between laughs which makes Olivia laugh harder.

Are laughs are interrupted by Olivia's mom coming in.

"Olivia Isabel Rodrigo! What are you laughing about-" she stops when she sees me. "Oh what a nice surprise Y/n"

I giggle at her mom's confused look.

"Hi, sorry I kinda snuck in here. I really needed Olivia," said say shyly.

"It's okay darling. I hope everything's okay," she smiles walking back out and probably to her room.

I glance at Olivia who is still holding in laughter.

"Shut up!" I say. I shiver a little bit and Olivia notices.

"Cold?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah Dom is such an asshole. He always has turn the ac up at night," Olivia rolls her eyes walking to her closet.

She pulls her favorite Taylor sweatshirt out and tosses it to me. I smile and turn around to replace my t-shirt with her sweatshirt.

I slip off my tshirt and I feel Olivia's eyes on my back. I quickly put my sweatshirt on and turn around.

I see Olivia moved into her bed and I run over and jump on her. She giggles as I lay on top of her and hug her.

Eventually we stop laughing but both have huge smiles on our faces. I rest my head on her shoulder and Olivia intertwines her hands together and rests them on top of me.

I slowly close my eyes and Olivia starts rubbing my back.

"Goodnight livie," I whisper with a small smile.

"Goodnight mama," liv whispers back.

Eventually I fall asleep on Olivia, listening to her heartbeat.

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