Chapter 18

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The next day
Y/ns POV

I wake up to the sun shining through the window of the hotel room. I have brunette hair in my face but I smile knowing it's Livs.

I carefully sit up a little, looking over at Olivia who sleeps peacefully, her jaw a little parted. She still holds onto my hand tight.

I carefully lay my other hand on her forehead, feeling that she no longer has a fever.

Olivia begins to stir at this and she lets go of my hand. I lay back down and Olivia turns over facing me. Still sleeping, she grabs my arm with one of her hands, falling back into a deeper sleep.

I smile and grab my phone off the bedside table. I quickly snap a picture of sleeping Liv with her holding onto my arm.

I favorite the photo and then go to my favorites album. Most of the pictures in here are of Olivia being silly, or a cute picture of her. I also have a couple random picture of sunrises and sunsets that Olivia has sent me.

I lay with Olivia for another 30 minutes before she wakes up. She opens her eyes slowly, squinting because of the bright light. She looks at me and I smile turning on my side as she lets go of my arm.

"Good morning Liv Liv. How are you feeling?" I ask and Olivia yawns coming closer to me. She lays her head on my arm nodding her head.

"I feel so so so much better. Definitely not one hundred percent but I'm definitely up for walking and stuff today," she rasps with her tired voice.

"That's good. I'm so happy you're feeling better," I smile kissing her forehead.

We lay in bed and go over our itinerary for the day. "So it's basically just walking and eating? I'm good with that! Best day ever!" Olivia exclaims.

Today we're doing the freedom trail. It's a couple mile walk around Boston and they'll tells us about the history. Our group and another decided to do it because we have some what of an interest in history. We plan on walking a majority of it before stopping at Quincy Hall for food.

"We better get ready and get down to breakfast. At least throw your hair up for now because we're not gonna make it," I say getting out of bed as my anxiety starts racing.

"Y/n, calm down. It'll be okay princess. Let's just call room service so we can eat then take our time getting ready," Olivia says. I smile at the nickname and internally scream. I already love it so much.

I nod my head and lay back on the bed as Olivia dials the room service people. She orders us food then turns back to me.

"You like the nickname princess, don't you?" She giggles and I nod with a cheesy smile on my face.

"Yeah, but like I already knew I was a princess," I playfully say whipping my hair back with my hand.

"What a dork," Olivia whispers and I giggle.

"What was that?" I asks teasingly.

"I just said 'what a princess'" Olivia smirks.

"liar!" I say jumping on Olivia and tickling her. She burst out laughing so I don't stop. I love hearing her laugh.

"Y/n! Okay okay!" Olivia says between squeals and laughter. I stop tickling her and she dramatically takes deep breaths.

"Almost killed me," she teases and I roll my eyes.

"Shit, I should've kept going!" I say and Olivia scoffs and hits my arm.

A knock at the door sounds and I get up. I open the door seeing room service. I take the food and thank them.

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