Chapter 8

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End of summer
Morning of first day of school
Y/ns pov

Olivia and I walk into school. Olivia has a nervous look and she plays with her rings on her finger.

"It's gonna be okay Liv. You'll meet so many new friends. I'm plus you can hang out in my friend group," I comfort her.

Olivia smiles in return and starts looking around the school.

If I'm being honest, I'm absolutely terrified. I've been avoiding Noah and Ellie since Noah and I broke up. I've been strictly hanging out with Olivia, Nash, and Dominic. Ellie and I have seen each other as couple of times at the barn and neither of us can stop going there.

Nash walks behind Olivia and I with Max. Olivia's boyfriend still. She's told me multiple times she wants to break up with him but doesn't have the guts to do it.

He's driving both of us insane but me more than Olivia. He treats her so badly and she sees that but she doesn't wanna break his heart.

I look around the hallway and see 2 figures walking towards us. My friends Conan Gray and Iris Apatow.

I haven't seen them all summer only text. But honestly they don't ask questions because that's how I usually am.

"Y/n!" Iris says running up and hugging me.

"Hi iris!" I say excitedly hugging her back. We pull away and Conan is next to pull me into a hug.

"Hey Conan. Guys, this is Olivia," I say and they both smile politely. Olivia waves.

"Nice to meet you Olivia, I'm Iris," Iris says and the hug.

"I'm Conan. Honor to meet you Olivia," Conan says playfully and they hug to.

"It's so nice to meet you guys! Y/n has told me all good things. Anyways I'm Olivia but you can call me liv," she says.

I look around as Liv, Conan, and Iris talk. I notice Nash and Max are talking to some friends. I sigh and turn back to my friends.

"I can't believe it's senior year!" Iris says excitedly.

"What do your schedules look like Liv and Y/n?" Conan asks. Both Liv and I pull our schedules out for the first time.

We all compare schedules and we are in every single class together.

"Okay, that make my life so much easier. My anxiety is gone!" Olivia says and I laugh.

"We all have really easy and fun classes to. Working for the credits these past few years have really paid off," Conan says.

"Yeah, my brother suggested do that and after seeing what a fun year he got last year I'm glad I did that," Olivia says.

With the bell about to ring, the four of us make it to our first class which happens to be music. I know Olivia is so excited. She's told me multiple times how much she likes singing

Half way through music class the teacher asks if anyone's able to play instruments. Olivia's hand shoots straight up and my eyes widen. I didn't know she could play instruments.

"Olivia, what instrument or instruments do you play?" Mrs. Gail asks.

"I can play ukulele, piano, and guitar," Olivia says confidently.

"Impressive, can you sing?" Mrs. Gail asks. Olivia nods her head with a smile. "Good to know. Wanna play us a little tune on the piano?"

Olivia hesitantly nods her head and gets up from her seat next to me. She walks to the piano and sits on the stool.

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