Chapter 2

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1 year later (just pretend it adds up 😭)
June 16
Y/ns POV

I walk out of the school building for the last time as a junior. Next year is senior year baby!

I finally almost made it through this hell hole thankfully.

I walk with Nash, Noah, and Ellie. I hold Noah's hand and lean into him a bit. We've been dating for 2 solid years now and we're still going strong.

Once we're out of the building, I pull my phone out and snap Olivia.

"Last time I'm walking out of the building as a junior!" I put the text above my head.

Olivia and I have become really close. I'd consider her one of my best friends. Yes I have Ellie, but Olivia's a really close second. The one thing that makes her second is the fact that she doesn't live where I do.

I still talk to her everyday and now it'll be more. But for a few days it'll probably not be as much since she's moving. Today's also her last day of school.

"Y/n and I gotta head to the barn, we promised to help bring the horses in plus we gotta ride ours," Ellie says to Noah and Nash.

"All right, I'm gonna head to Noah's so you can ride back with Ellie then we'll go home since mom and dad are gone again," Nash says.

I nod. Are parents are on another long business trip.

Ellie and I head to her car. I get in the passenger side. "Taylor Swift?" Ellie asks.

"You don't even have to ask Elles. You know my answers always yes!" I say and we laugh. She turns on our Taylor playlist and August comes on. We start singing it at the top of our lungs.

We arrive at the barn and Ellie parks. We both get out and I grab a carrot from the back and so does Ellie.

I walk to Augusts, yes my horse is named August after the song, stall and take him out.

"How are today," I whisper to him. He nudges me with his nose when he smells the carrot. I giggle and feed it to him.

I lead him out and tie him to the cross ties. I go to Snapchat seeing Olivia snapped me.

"Same! Ugh thank god schools over, anyways I gotta pack soon. Can u FaceTime?" The text says above her head.

"Yeah but you'll have to deal with me riding, I gotta work august today," I put the text above my head.

She FaceTimes me and I answer.

"Hey Y/n!" Olivia says and I laugh.

"Hey Liv!" I say propping the phone up so I can brush august.

Liv and I chat the whole time I ride August and take the horses in. "You never told me where you moving to," I say once we get in the topic of packing.

"Oh yeah I'm moving to Temecula California," Olivia says and I stop making augusts grain and I look at her.

"Where?" I ask.

"Temecula California," she says again and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Olivia, I live in Temecula..." I say trying not to freak out.

Olivia's mouth drops open. "No way..." she says looking at me.

"Ellie come here!" I call to her and she walks in.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Can you tell Olivia where we live please?"

"Uh yeah. Hey Olivia! We live in Temecula Cali. Why?" Ellie asks turning to me.

"I'm moving to Temecula literally tomorrow," Olivia says and Ellie's mother drops open.

"No fucking way," Ellie yells and Olivia and I nods.

"That's amazing!" Both Ellie and I jump up and down.

"We gotta meet," Olivia says.

"Well duh Olivia. You're literally moving to my town," I say and Liv giggles. "When do you get here?" I ask.

"Tomorrow at 12, we're leaving in a couple hours."

"When do you wanna meet?" I say with a huge smile. Olivia reciprocates it.

"Well I mean I got a car so I can literally go anywhere. But I'll go to my house first help unload then hopefully meet you somewhere," Olivia says with a huge grin.

"I can't believe I'm gonna finally get to me you!" I say and Olivia nods.

"That's actually insane!"

Liv and I talk for a bit and she checked with her parents who said it was okay.

"Wait does Dominic know your moving to our town?" I ask as Ellie and I drive back to her house.

"Wait no he doesn't. When you get back to Ellie's we should tell them!" Olivia giggles and I nod.

Ellie and I arrive back at her house and we walk in in still on FaceTime with Liv.

"Hey babe," Noah says walking up to me and kissing me.

"Hi Noah. Nash come here!" I yell to him.

Nash walks in "yo, did you get anything for me?" He asks and I give him a look.

"No but Y/n and I have an awesome surprise!" Olivia says over the phone.

"Oh hey Liv," Nash says as Dom walks in.

"Okay you to sit down," I say and Nash sits next to me at Ellie's counter and Dom sits on Olivia's bed. We both prop our phones up.

"You know how we're moving right?" Olivia says to the two boys.

"Yeah?" Nash says.

"We're moving to Temecula, which just so happens to be where Nash and Y/n live," Olivia says and Doms jaw drops and so does Nash's.

"No fucking way!" He yells.

"Yep! Tomorrow me and Olivia plan on meeting! You guys should to!" I say and they nod.

We hang up and both Nash and I decide we're gonna sleep over at Ellie's and Noah's since there parents are out of town.

I climb into bed with Ellie and we chat about tomorrow.

"Are you excited?" She asks and I nod.

"Excited is an understatement," I say and Ellie smiles. "Imagine knowing me for a year, being the bestest of friends but not ever getting to see me in person," I say and Ellie frowns.

"That's horrible," Ellie says and I nod.

"It's really exciting for both Liv and I. We can't wait to hang out," I say.

Ellie eventually falls asleep while we watch hunger games. I hear a ding come from my phone and see it's Liv.

"I can't wait to finally meet u tomorrow" the text reads above her head.

"I can't wait either" I snap back.

"Honestly it's really bittersweet. Like I'm gonna miss my old friends but it's nice to already know 3 people," the text reads.

"I can't wait to spend my senior year with you," I snap back.

"It's literally gonna be the best" I read the text and smile.

Olivia and I continue to talk for a while before we both decide to get some rest before tomorrow.

I drift off to sleep thinking about Liv.

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