Chapter 9

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A couple months later
Christmas Eve
Y/ns POV

I'm awoken to Nash shaking my shoulder. "Y/n, mom and dad need us," he says and I groan.

I hesitantly get out of bed and I follow Nash tiredly to the kitchen.

Mom and dad stand in the kitchen at the counter. Nash and I sit down on the stools awaiting them to start speaking.

"Good morning Nash and Y/n," my dad says.

"Good morning," Nash says but I turn my head.

"We wanted to let you know we won't be here for much longer. We gotta leave today and we won't be back until January," my dad says and I scoff.

"Don't be like that Y/n," my mother says.

"No! I will be like that! You're never here! And when you are your here for less than a week! I'm sorry that I'm disappointed you won't be here for Christmas or new years," I yell and storm off to my room. Before I walk up the stairs I turn to them.

"I guess that's my fault though isn't it? For believing my parents would put me and my brother first," I say holding back tears walking up to my room.

I slam my door shut and flop onto my bed. I start to sob.

A couple minutes later I hear a gentle knock on the door and Nash walks in. Without saying anything he walks up to my bed and lays next to me.

He stays silent and I keep crying quietly. Nash opens his arms after a few minutes. I move into them and he hugs me.

"Why do they always have to leave Nash?" I ask knowing not even he knows.

"I wish I knew. But it'll be okay, I promise. Maybe we'll go see Olivia and Dom today?" He suggests and I nod.

Nash still holds me as I call Olivia once I've calmed down.

"Hello?" Olivia says once she picks up.

"Hey Liv," I say.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asks her voice softening.

"I'm here with Nash. Our parents are leaving again for work. They just left and they won't be back until January," I say with a small crack in my voice.

"I'm so sorry," Olivia whispers.

We talk for a little bit and I'm soothed by Olivia's talking. After a while Olivia asks, "hey. How would you and Nash like to come stay with us for Christmas?"

I look at Nash and he smiles and nods.

"Is it okay with your parents?" I ask.

"Yeah, they offered," she says.

"Then we would love to," I say with a smile.

We hang up and Nash goes to his bedroom and starts packing a bag. I don't pack anything but some riding clothes knowing I most likely have something at livs and if I don't, I'll just wear what she has.

I grab my phone and then head to the kitchen. Nash comes out a couple minutes later with his bag and we head to his car.

He puts his back seat and then gets in the driver seat. I do the same but get in the passenger seat.

We start driving to Olivia's house in a comfortable silence.

We arrive a couple minutes later and Nash and I get our bags out. We walk up the door and knock on the door and Dominic opens it.

"Hey Y/n, let me take that for you," he says and I smile.

"Thank you," I say and walk in.

Dom hugs Nash in one of those bro hugs if you know what I mean.

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