0.4| The Accident

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A couple of days have passed since Orion's first day at school. Orion isn't as anxious about attending school anymore-well, no more than he normally does with his anxiety-he's actually come to feel quite comfortable while in his classes. One of the first things Bella and Orion noticed after the first day was that Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale had not been to school since.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird that they haven't been here since the first day?" the Swan girl asks while driving Rye and herself to school.

"I mean, yeah, but they could also just be sick," the boy replies almost as a whisper, not fully believing that while staring out the car window, thinking of different reasons why they haven't shown up.

Bella just sighs with a shrug, arriving at the school parking lot. Orion can see that Bella is still deep in her thoughts, as she doesn't get out of the car even though it's stopped and turned off.

Orion turns to look at her. "Look, Bells, maybe it's for the best that Edward hasn't been around. He was being a dick to you, acting like you stink." Rye murmurs, the last part barely audible, but Bella still hears it. "Just enjoy the fact that he isn't here, making you feel self-conscious"

Bella nods. "Y'know what? You're right. Today will be fine," she says before taking a deep breath in and out.

The boy copies her actions. "Exactly, let's keep that positive mindset, Isabella!" He exclaimed in a sarcastic tone

"Don't call me that!" she whines, Orion just laughs as they get out and head inside the school.


As soon as Orion walks into history, he wants to take back what he said about today being a good day, because when he looks over at his seat instead of the seat next to his being empty like it was the last couple of days, there is a very attractive blonde man sitting there.

Dread fills the tan boy's body as he goes to sit next to the blonde, placing all his belongings on the side of his table.

There is a moment of silence before Orion hears "Hello," and he swears his heart starts beating faster at that goddamn accent.

Orion takes out one of his earphones from one ear, still keeping the other in. "Hey," he greets back with a small smile "So, you're back..." God, why does he have to be so awkward?

"Mhm, I wasn't feeling my best, so I decided it'd be better for me to stay home," he informs the boy, fully turning to stare at him.

Orion stares back Like he's being hypnotized, the only response he gives to the blonde boy is, "Well, I'm glad you're back," softly

Orion snaps back to reality with burning cheeks. He stops staring at Jasper and goes back to taking down notes. I need to get a grip. I haven't even known the man for a whole week.

Jasper smirks, knowing how overwhelming his presence is to the boy, but he just can't help himself.

"How are you liking Forks?" The blonde asks as he now also starts taking down notes, trying to learn more about the boy.

Orion stops writing for a second and thinks, "It's definitely different." He lays his chin on the palm of his hand. "I don't hate it, that's for sure. It just needs some getting used to," he mumbles.

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