10| Sparks

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Orion and his mother are at the Swan residence, finishing dinner. Orion and Bella headed up to Bella's bedroom. They are sitting on the girl's bed, and Rye has been catching her up on everything he hasn't told her, especially his powers.

Bella is just looking at Orion in shock. "So, you have the moon and the sun in you?" she asks, emphasizing the word 'and'.

The way the girl phrased it made him laugh. "Basically," he says lightly, his hand unintentionally lying on top of his chest.

"Have you tried to do anything else besides being able to lift things in the air?" she challenges, wanting to understand how his abilities work.

"I think I was able to light candles, but I did that without realizing it," he tells her. His mind goes back to how he would wake up from having his dreams, and all the candles in his room were lit up.

Bella gets up from the bed, and Orion watches as she gets a candle from her desk and brings it back to the bed with her. The boy watches in confusion. "Try and light it." Bella encouraged.

"I'm not sure about this," Orion hesitantly says, backing away from the candle. Rye isn't confident about the control he has over his powers.

"You'll be okay," she tells the boy. "I'll be here," she reassures the boy, giving him a hopeful look.

Orion bites his lip, contemplating it. The boy decides to give in. "Fine," he sighs. Rye sees Bella clap in excitement, which makes him feel slightly better.

Orion's shaky hands hover over the candle. He's trying to muster any sort of power in him to light it up. Rye watches as his hands shake even more, but nothing happens. Annoyance shoots through Orion's body, and he goes to pull his hands back, but before he can, he feels a spark emit from his hand, lighting the candle up.

There's a silence that goes around the room until Bella breaks it. "You just made a spark come out of your hand," she states in awe.

"I know," whispers Orion, not quite believing it either. Rye is starting to understand the power he's capable of. Orion is now realizing that he can control things that both the moon and sun can control.

Orion is taken out of his thoughts by the laughter of Isabella. "That was amazing!" she giggled, jumping up and down on the bed, causing him to chuckle. Bella picks up the candle and heads over to put it back on the desk.

"Has Jasper told you anything about going over to the Cullen house?" She asks, going back to sit next to the boy. Orion can hear the hopeful tone in her voice.

Orion lays his back against the bed frame. "Yeah, actually, I'm going tomorrow," he states.

"Oh, thank God." She mutters, copying the boy's actions and lying against the bed frame. "I was terrified I would have to do this by myself."

"Everything will be fine," he smiles at her. "I got your back." He reassures her, nudging his shoulder with her, trying to make the girl less nervous.

Bella returns the smile. The two hear Orion's mom call for him, and Rye starts getting up from the bed. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow; goodnight!" he exclaims. He exits the room as Bella waves him goodbye.

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