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Orion is tossing and turning in his bed, strange images swarming his mind. At first, he's experiencing his birth again. Everything is bright, and his mother comes into his view. The image quickly morphs into the sun and moon slowly coming to overlap each other, causing an eclipse. More visions start playing in his mind quickly. There's an ocean with the moonlight reflecting on it. Then it's the sun emitting warmth and light on a field of flowers. For a split second, it switches to blood and coldness. A sick feeling fills Orion's entire body.

Orion shot up out of bed, taking a deep breath in and out, trying to calm himself from his nightmare. He opens his eyes, and they scan around the room. Orion is in shock; all the candles in his room are lit up.

"What the hell?" Rye whispers, getting out of bed to extinguish the candles. Orion can't help but wonder what that dream was or even meant. He walked over to his nightstand to check the time; it was four a.m. Rye groaned, dragging his hands across his face.

Orion feels like crap. He heads back into bed, covering himself with blankets, with a sigh. Rye closes his eyes, hoping it'll make him fall right back to sleep.


Unfortunately, he did not fall asleep. Now Orion is in the school's cafeteria, sitting at a table with the rest of the group, whom he now considers friends, completely spaced out and craving nothing more than his comfortable bed.

"Orion," he hears being called out. He jumps, being pulled out of his dazed state. The voice belongs to a worried Bella. "Are you okay?"

Orion rubs his eyes before answering, "Yeah, I'm fine, jus' really tired." Rye slurs before putting his head down in his arms. Bella opens her mouth to question the boy even further but before she can, Eric interrupts her

"La Push, baby, you in?" The dark-haired man asked the duo.

Orion does not process what is said after that, going back into his dazed state. Again, Orion hears his name being called out: "What?" He asks, lifting his head from his arms.

"La Push, man, are you going?" Eric asks the boy. The rest of the table turned to look at Orion, waiting for an answer.

Orion takes in the fact that he quite literally is barely able to keep his eyes open before answering, "Sorry, I don't think so; I'm pretty tired."

Everyone at the table understands; Angela is the one to speak out first. "Maybe next time," she tells the boy with a smile.

The bell rings, and Orion groans, remembering that he has a class with Jasper. After their interaction on the day of the field trip, he did not want to face him. An idea pops into Orion's head.

"I think I'm going to head home," Rye whispers to Bella, just wanting to be in the comfort of his own home.

The girl whips her head around to face him. "You're going to ditch?" Bella asked him, saying like it was the most bizarre thing on the planet to do. "What about your mom? Will she not care?" Isabella questions, wanting him to think about this thoroughly. In the short time, she has known the boy she's picked up on the fact that he impulsively does things.

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