0.8 | Silly Little Vampires

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Orion was sitting inside Isabella's car in the school parking lot, eating a breakfast sandwich before school started. He is still shaken up over the events that happened yesterday.

"Vampires," Bella whispers in Orion's ear. "That's what they are."

Orion choked on his sandwich, causing Bella to hit the boy's back as he coughed. "Jeez, maybe wait until I'm done with my food before we start with the supernatural talk," he mutters once he clears his throat.

Bella winces, "Sorry," she apologizes. "But seriously, I was reading the book I had gotten from La Push, and it mentioned something about a 'Cold One'." Saying the last few words uncertainly. "I wanted to find out what it meant, and it led me through this whole rabbit hole about creatures who would drink blood and had abnormal speed and strength with cold-to-the-touch skin." Rambles out, Bella catching her breath.

Orion stares at Bella with a look she has never seen the boy make, which makes the girl feel small and like a fool for thinking it.

"You don't believe me, do you?" she whispers, dragging her hands down her face.

Orion was certain the girl felt like she was going crazy; he felt bad. "I do," he assures her. "I just don't know how I didn't think of it sooner," he sighs, closing his eyes as he lays his head against the seat. All the signs were right in front of him.

"I'm going to confront him." Bella decides

Orion jumps out of his seat. "Woah, maybe not the best idea to confront someone about being a blood-sucking creature," he told the girl, not wanting her to do something stupid.

Bella gives him a look, saying, 'I'm going to do it anyway.' Orion lets out an exaggerated groan. "Fine, just.." he pauses, thinking over what to say "Just be careful."

With that, the two get out of the car. Orion watches as Bella comes into contact with Edward, staring at each other. There's tension; Orion can sense it. He gives Bella one last look. 'Be safe' he mouths before turning to head inside the school.


Orion is now sitting in his art class. His assignment for his class was to paint a place that you find yourself drawn to. He decided to paint the ocean. By no means was Orion insanely talented in art, but he was good enough to make it look decent, and he was okay with that.

"Hi, Orion!" the boy hears a high-pitched voice say.

Rye looks up to see Alice Cullen smiling brightly at him with her boyfriend, Daniel, right next to her. "Can we sit with you?" The dark-haired girl asks.

Taken aback, Orion hesitantly nods. Once they settle down, the two just stare at Orion.

Rye is sure he has never felt this awkward before, He asks a question to at least try and make this enjoyable "I didn't know you two were in this class; I had never seen you here before."

"We got switched," Alice states.

Orion hums, bringing his attention back to his artwork, picking up a paintbrush to continue. The three of them are sitting in a peaceful silence, which Orion enjoys.

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