12| Ride or Die

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Orion had given much thought to how he would die. The thought would almost consume him on most days. The idea scared him; he cherished life, and the fact that one day it would be taken from him was terrifying.

A loud thud interrupts his thoughts. The sound takes the two teens by surprise. Scared, they look back toward the sound, expecting to see James, but luckily for them, it was Edward landing on the truck. They let out a sigh of relief.

The boy enters the car, taking over the steering wheel. Orion goes to ask where Jasper is, but it seems Edward is a step ahead. "He's waiting for us at home," he offers with a small smile.

Rye nods, glancing back at the window, looking out into the forest. He rests his head against the car seat, watching as they approach the Cullens home.

He sees a particular blond standing impatiently in front of the house. His eyes look up as the car pulls into the driveway. He rushes to the door of the car and pulls Orion out, wrapping his arms around his body and embracing him with a hug.

Orion inhales the scent of the boy. As they pulled apart, he could see Edward leading Bella inside the house, watching as the two approached Carlisle.

Orion swears he sees a darker figure appear next to the older man before he can get a better view of the unknown figure Jasper pulls him into the garage.

As they walk into the garage, Jasper speaks toward Emmett. "I've had to fight out kind before; they're not easy to kill." He walks toward a storage closet and goes through it, looking for the items he needs.

"But not impossible," Emmett challenges. "We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces." His smile was filled with excitement.

Orion walks away from Jasper, settling next to Rosalie. She eyes the boy for a second before hesitantly making room for him.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James," Carlisle mutters, collecting money together from the same storage cabinet. God, how rich were they?

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asks, her tone filled with worry. Orion cast a glance toward the blonde girl. She was right—what if the hunter was able to get his hands on them before they could?

Her question goes unanswered. Edward changes the topic. "Jasper and I will run Bella and Orion south. Can you lead the tracker away?" looking toward Carlisle.

"No. James knows you two would never leave them behind. He'd follow you." Carlisle warns him. His voice was stern, looking between both of his sons.

"I'll go with them," Alice offers, breaking the tension between the group. "Daniel and I will drive them south."

At her words, Rye can feel Jasper pull him closer to his chest, not liking the idea. Alice picks up on the boy's hesitation. She looks at both of them. "I'll keep them safe," she promises. Orion can tell the girl's words are genuine.

She latches onto Bella's arms, leading her into the car. He turns to Jasper. "I'll be okay," he soothes, feeling Jasper cling to him.

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker won't pick up Bella's scent?" He asks as he throws them some of the swan girl's clothes.

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