0.7 | Ember

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Rye wakes up from his sleep, gasping for air. All of his senses are heightened. It was that dream-the same dream he had the previous morning. The dream seems all too familiar to him, but he just can't place his finger on why. He rubs his eyes before checking the time, 6:25 am The clock reads. Rye decides it's about time to start getting ready for school. He hops into the shower and then changes into his clothes for school. It is around seven when he finishes, just on time.

'I'm outside,' Orion sees the text from Bella. He rushes to put his backpack on and head downstairs. He catches his mother right before he leaves. Orion sees that she's a bit more dressed up than normal, confused. Rye goes to ask where she is going, but she beats him to it.

Lucia notices Orion coming down the stairs. "Good morning, love." His mother says in a sweet tone. Rye softly mutters a 'good morning', back approaching his mother in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Rye questions his mom as he gets a muffin for Bella and himself to snack on while driving to school. He then turns around to face his mother, waiting for an answer. He could sense that she was excited.

"You know how we had to close down the store in California, right?" Lucia starts, watching her son give her a slow nod as an answer. "Well, I was talking to Charlie about it, and he told me how a shop had recently become available to buy, and I bought it!" beamed Lucia.

Orion jumps to hug his mom to congratulate her. "Oh, Mom, that's amazing!" he gushed. The two sway together as they hug before Rye pulls away. "I'm so happy for you, Mom." And Orion meant it. He knew that they had moved here because of the cost of living in California, but he's glad that they're now financially comfortable enough to be able to afford the shop. "We will talk about this when I get home, okay?" grinned Orion, realizing he was going to be late to school.

Lucia nods as she places a kiss on her son's cheek, bidding him goodbye. Orion heads out through the front door, getting into the Swan girl's car.

Once Rye settles down, he hands Bella the muffin he got for her. The girl mutters thanks before taking a bite. "Hey, Bells," greets Orion, not expecting a reply back as she was too busy chewing the muffin.

Once Bella finishes, she starts driving towards school. The two teens don't talk for a while, listening along to the songs playing on the radio. It isn't until Bella asks a question that they start talking: "You remember Jacob Black, right?"

Rye hums, running the name Jacob through his mind over and over again, trying to put a face to it until he remembers the boy with long hair. "Yeah! What about him?" questioned Orion.

Rye can see that Bella is a bit hesitant to tell him, but she forces herself to continue. "When we were at La Push, he spotted us and came over after a while. He and I had started walking along the ocean, talking. I had mentioned how I invited Edward to join us, but he declined." Orion nodded along

"Once I told him, he mentioned something about how the Cullen family isn't allowed on La Push or any Quileute territory," Bella tells the boy, waiting for his reaction. Confused, Rye goes to ask the girl why. Bella shrugged before saying, "Jacob only told me that long ago, the Cullens and the Quileutes had some differences and created a treaty that didn't allow the Cullens on the land." The swan girl reluctantly said.

Orion hums in response, taking in all the information. His mind goes back to the conversation Jasper and he had. The differences that Bella was talking about could lead to the true nature of Jasper.

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