0.2| The Meet

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It is already morning when Orion wakes up. He wakes up feeling exhausted, but he knows that he has to get up. Rye sits up on his bed and waits a few minutes before getting a towel and hopping into the shower. Once out, Orion puts on some loose-fitting dark-wash jeans and a beige wool knit sweater with a white shirt under it. Then Rye goes to his nightstand and grabs his gold moon and sun necklace to put on.

Now ready for the day, Orion heads downstairs to the kitchen and sees his mother preparing pancakes for breakfast. "Good morning, love, how did you sleep?" she asks before placing a kiss on his cheek and serving him some pancakes.

Rye takes the plate with a small 'thank you' and takes a bite of his pancakes before responding to his mom. "Hm, I slept alright, still getting used to the weather. I swear, last night I thought someone was breaking into my room through the window, but it was just the wind," he grumbled.

Lucia laughs a bit. "I'm sorry, Hijo. I know how much you loved California, but you'll learn to love this place. Trust me, a quiet and peaceful town is way different than California. I mean, they have beaches around here; you should go visit some. I think there is a pretty close one around here at La Push." She tells her son.

Rye smiles at that. He knows his mom feels guilty about making her son move away from the place he grew up and away from his friends, but he is kinda glad that he gets to experience something different.

"Yeah, maybe I will," Orion replies while staring at his food.


Orion had finished his breakfast and went to his room, deciding to finish unpacking the boxes from the day before. He starts with the smallest box and unpacks it first. The box is stuffed with all of his CDs. Rye's mother sees no point in him collecting CDs now that everyone's music is on their phones, but Orion doesn't care; he enjoys collecting them. He tucks them all beneath the shelf on his nightstand. He moves on to the next box, picking it up and placing it on his lap while opening it. The box is filled with all the journals he owns. These journals are one of the things that Rye loves with all his heart; they're filled with stupid ramblings but also his deepest thoughts that he wouldn't want anyone to know. He stares at them fondly before placing them inside a drawer.

As soon as Orion is finished putting all his belongings away, his mother calls out to him. "Orion!' He hurries downstairs to his mother. "Yes?" he asks, reaching the last step while staring at his mother, worried that something may be wrong.

It's the complete opposite she looks eager "It seems like Isabella got here; let's go say hi," his mother voices in an excited tone.

"Sure!" Rye answers. He is pretty excited to meet Isabella.

Orion and his mom start heading over to the Swan residence, which is conveniently across the street from them. They see Charlie and Bella finishing a conversation with two men. The only difference between the two men is that one is in a wheelchair and clearly older, while the other is a teenager. All four of them are gathered around the truck when Isabella suddenly has a look of shock on her face while looking between an orange Chevy truck and her father. Rye can guess that Charlie told her about the surprise.

"Oh, my gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me?" Isabella says, before getting inside the car with the tan-skinned teenager, to check it out.

Once they get on the swan's driveway, Orion's mom seems to recognize the man in the wheelchair and rushes in to hug him. "Billy!" She sighs, sounding happy. "Oh, Lucia, I didn't know you were back. I'm so glad to see you." The man named Billy speaks, then looks next to Lucia, where Rye is standing. "Is this your son?" The long-haired man asks, "Yes! Rye, this is an old friend; meet Billy." The woman introduces.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Rye responds with a small smile while shaking the man's hand. It's finally starting to hit Orion How many old friends his mother had before moving to California.

Orion notices Isabella and the boy hop out of the car and see's Orion and his mother talking to the two older men.

Charlie catches a glimpse of Isabella from the corner of his eye and thinks now is the perfect time to introduce her to the Rayo family.

"Hey, Bella, come here," he says, waving her down. "This is Lucia and Orion Rayo. Lucia is an old friend of mine who just moved back recently, and this is her son Orion." The swan man informs her.

Lucia waits for Charlie to finish before greeting the girl with a smile, knowing she is an awkward person. "Hello, Isabella, How are you?" Lucia ask.

"Hi, I'm doing alright. Nice to meet you," Bella stutters out.

Now It's Orion's turn to greet the swan girl. "Hey Isabella I'm Orion; nice to meet you," Rye smiles as he replies.

The girl gives a smile in return. "'The same goes for you; also, you can just call me Bella." the girl states like the name 'Isabella' physically hurts her to hear.

The Rayo boy nods back in response before saying, "Then you can just call me Rye." with a grin.

There is a moment of silence between the teens before Bella breaks it by asking Orion a question. "Wait, you're going to Forks High School, right?" the girl asks, hoping with every bone in her body that he says yes. She does not want to be the only new student at school.

Rye can tell she is desperate by the tone of her voice. "Yup," he says, popping the 'p'.

"Well, since I just got this car as a gift, I was wondering if you wanted a ride to school tomorrow morning?" It is said shyly by the girl.

Rye's face lights up at this. "Oh yes, please thank you! I would really appreciate it." The boy says, happy that the girl asked him.

Bella shifts on her feet before telling Rye, "So I'll meet you here at 7?"

"Yeah, I'll be here," responds Orion with a grateful smile

And with that, Rye and his mother said their goodbyes to the swans. and head back home. For the rest of the day, Rye is sort of spiraling about attending a new school tomorrow, but at least he has Bella. His emotions are all over the place before he decides to drink tea to calm his nerves. Orion goes to get ready for bed, changing into his pajamas and slipping beneath his blanket cover, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Authors note
Please don't forget to vote!!

This chapter took so long to write but I hope you guys like!!

Also Orion will be attending school next chapter even possibly meeting Jasper I'm so excited.

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