It's 5 in the morning, and Orion is wide awake. He woke up before his alarm had the chance to ring. All that is on his mind right now is how Jasper will pick him up in less than two and a half hours.
Orion's mind is still going over how Jasper is a vampire. Now that he is thinking about it, how long has Jasper been alive? Rye casts a glance over at his phone. He bites his lip, debating texting the Hale boy.
His curiosity winning, he picks up the phone and sends the blonde a message. 'Are you awake?' he asks, which is probably a stupid question for a vampire.
'Of course, is everything okay?' Jasper replies.
Orion smiles, his fingers moving against his phone's keyboard as he prepares his next message. 'Everything is fine; I just wanted to ask a quick question.' He sends a follow-up message: 'How long have you been alive for?'
'I'm not sure the exact number of years; sometimes the transformation to becoming a vampire can make you forget certain stuff, but I'd say around 160 years.' The blond sends.
Orion's mouth drops as his eyes widen. He doesn't respond to Jasper, too busy letting the idea of Jasper being that old process in his mind. Rye's phone starts ringing, causing him to snap out of his shocked state. It's Jasper; he quickly answers the phone. "Hey," he stutters awkwardly.
"You okay there, darling?" Jasper's accent sent shivers down Orion's spine. He could practically feel the smile the blond had on his face.
"Yeah, I just didn't expect you to be around for so long," mumbled Orion.
Jasper's booming laughter fills Orion's ear. Rye laughs with him. Their laughter dies down. "I'll tell you all about it when I pick you up," the blond promises.
"Okay," whispers Orion. He checks the time, It's 6:12 a.m. They had been texting and calling for a little over an hour now. "I'm going to start getting ready; I'll see you soon," he tells Jasper.
The boys say their goodbyes, with Orion being the one to hang up first. He sits up on his bed, stretching his arms and torso with a yawn. Orion gets up and goes on with his morning routine.
Orion is changing when he hears his mother yell, "Orion, there's someone here for you!" He hurriedly finishes changing and heads downstairs as quickly as possible.
When he reaches the bottom of the staircase, he is met with the sight of his mother and Jasper talking about God knows what. His mother sees him standing there and says, "Finally, you came down."
Orion is silent, observing the whole situation in front of his eyes. He approaches Jasper and gives him a look to say, 'Why didn't you wait in the car?' It's not that Orion doesn't want Jasper to meet his mom; it's just that Orion has never brought a boy over.
"Sorry to cut this short, but we really should get going now," rambles Orion, not missing the look his mother was giving him. He wraps his arm around Jasper's arm and drags him towards the front door. He opens the door and waves goodbye to his mother before heading to Jasper's car.

RomanceWhere a boy who finds himself to be an unlovable monster - meets a boy who finds beauty and love in everything . This a story about a boy named Orion who's life's been turned around when his mother told him they're moving to forks Washington. The...