Fallen Heroes

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"Are you really me?" Jeanne asked with hesitance. "I don't understand your reasoning for destroying France!"

"... I'm amazed," Jalter said as a silencing breeze brushed against her short hair. "I can't believe you're this pathetic. This country betrayed me. That's why I'm destroying it. I would half expect you to understand."

Jalter's lips curved maliciously. "I will rain fire across the land, burning up the weeds known as humanity, starting with France. If you don't understand that, you're not "me."

"That dysfunctional saint graph is proof of my words. Now, burn!"

With a wave of her hand, Jalter sent forth a tidal wave of wildfire, burning the ground as it uprooted. Mash kicked it into high gear as she went in front of Ritsuka and Jeanne to hold off the flames. The moment the flames of resentment struck Mash's shield, her boots dug into the dirt. The flames parted in different sections as they tried to strike the Chaldeans, but it proved useless as Mash's determination and drive won the clash.

Black smoke mixed with dust as it flowed skywards, blocking the vision of Jalter and Servants, but it soon split apart as red clusters of energy struck every one of them in the blink of an eye, faster than what the Servants could perceive. However, Jalter was able to block the one designated for her with her metal gauntlet.

"Reflexes are pretty good," A voice followed by the beating wings resounded above. "So, that's the machination created by a man's grievance? Astonishing."


Hearing Jeanne call out to Malzeno, he jumped off his Pink Wyvern, which he named Rathian. His landing was silent like an owl stalking in the night. His attention focused on the Chaldeans as Rathian blew away the suffocating smoke.

"You kiddos doing alright?"

"Hey, you bastard!" Jalter shouted as she was incensed by the disrespect.

Malzeno scratched his ear as he looked for any damage to the group. His back turned to the enemies. The aura around him was deathly cold.

"We're better now that you're here. Although I don't see the logic in coming in so late," Mash breathed a sigh of relief.

"A lesson from my world. Scope your enemies first. There are always Thunderbugs in the area," Malzeno said as he turned his attention back to Jalter's group, his crimson eyes glossed over every one of them with amusement.

"You must be the Servant that defeated the horde of Wyverns I've sent to that one town," Jalter had calmed down. With her being in the Ruler class, she could decipher who this man was before her, but to her surprise, she only got little information, like the fact he was a Dragon.

If that was the case, he should be able to fall prey to her skill, but...

"Are you...trying to control me?"

"Ruler?" Jeanne asked worriedly as the tone coming from Malzeno was dripping with malice and fury.
Let's get something straight, little witch," Malzeno started, the pressure in the air growing thick with tension and dread. A red aura and pitch-black miasma trickled off Malzeno's shoulders.

"No one controls me but the Young Tangerine here. I'm beyond your comprehension. You may command your so-called Dragons and Wyverns, but I'm beyond that."

Silence reigned as the aura surrounding Malzeno faded to cinders, his control over his emotions being on display for all to see.

"You call yourself the Dragon Witch, but as far as I can see, you're nothing more than some vengeful country girl who woke up on the wrong side of the shed. I will personally judge to see if you're worthy of that title."

Jalter was speechless, as were her Servants. They could feel the dominating presence drifting off of Malzeno passively, so much so that their [Madness Enchantment] wore off and replaced with instinctual fear and reverence. It was like being in the same room as a God who was righteous and resentful.

"Judge me...." Jalter mumbled, letting the words soak in.

"That's correct. Now, test your resolve here and now. If you can't impress me enough, I will end this charade here and now so my Master can return home and rest."

"I'd say this is a bad idea," The words came from what Malzeno could tell, Dracula or Vlad III. "I know that power quite well. This Servant is like me, a fallen hero."

"If I were a person born in this world, you would be who I was, Vlad," Malzeno spoke earnestly, peering into some of the information he'd gathered. Vlad is a conflicted individual who denies what history paints him to be.

"That's why I can't get the necessary information," Jalter pieced together the puzzle, ignoring the warning from Vlad. "You're an anomaly here. Like hell! I'm not going to let you dictate what I do!"

Malzeno had his arms crossed as he craned his head to Jeanne. "Are you strong enough to fight?"

"I should be. I can still feel the energy from that strange red glow before," Jeanne answered back, albeit with hesitance.

"You're welcome for that," Malzeno offered a smile, getting Jeanne to blink owlishly. "Let's just finish this first. Come along, Young Knight! This will be your first lesson."


"How to completely humiliate someone!" Malzeno said with laughter. "Come, little Witch, let's see if you deserve to be a tamer of Dragons!"
With a dash, Malzeno had crossed the distance between himself and Jalter. Her face twisted into shock as she conjured a shadow black flag into her hands and blocked the incoming attack. It was a large, three-bladed sword with a wood red color with white decor reaching the top, a bloody red interior, and a sparkling red gem at the bottom of the sword but at the top of the handle.

The clash of the two vastly different weapons caused a powerful shockwave, followed by the ground cracking under Jalter's black boots. Her eyes were wide with fear, and her teeth were bared with frustration.

"This guy isn't all talk!"

Were Jalter's thoughts before the battle between the two Fallen Heroes began.

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