The Mad Archer

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A few days had passed, and the group steadily recovered from Marie's passing. Malzeno looked outward to the vast plains ahead. Tumbleweeds passed by as if taking a stroll along the winds.

Malzeno made a vow to keep moving forward, while keeping vigilant. He would honor the words he briefly heard from Marie when they had a small talk before. He was beginning to feel human, and gradually the human-like emotions set in.

Anger, hate and love as well. He would say truly "loved" anyone, but his love for the group was apparent with his fatherly instincts, making sure everyone was safe and secure.

In essence, he had the markings of a wise man, a sage and a king. He would no longer let his nonchalant attitude get in the way, he would swiftly handle his opponent's without remorse!

"Are you well, Malzeno?" Jeanne has been asking that more since they united again, which was welcomed.

"Yes, just extremely angry."

"You do a good job hiding it," Siegfried joined in, his curiosity apparent in his eyes. "Sorry for being skeptical of you at first."

Malzeno blinked at the famous German Hero and shook his head. "None taken, I understand you have a bad history with this Dragon, Fafnir."

"That's right...thinking about it, I have no clue how I won."

Malzeno had a sanguine smile. "Well, don't worry about it. I'll be there to help."

"....?" Jeanne blinked in surprise.

"I do believe luck plays a factor in such situations. But...the reason I'm helping you wipe out Fafnir is because another creature I have to face."

"I see...and you require my help for that too? I'm assuming it's a Dragon, yes?"

"Precisely. And since you seem to deal more damage to Dragon related enemies, that bastard doesn't have a chance."

Siegfried scratched his nose. "I believe you're
putting too much trust in me to do such a task...but I shall see that it is done."

The two heroes exchanged a final nod, before Malzeno turned his attention to Jeanne, her once brilliant blonde hair almost fully changed to a platinum blonde.

"Your hair..."

"Is something wrong with it?"

", in fact I like it very much."

Jeanne quickly averted gaze, feeling her face heat up. Malzeno chuckled, thankfully the table talk about "love" taught him a few things when woman receive certain compliments.

"T-Thanks...but it seems like the final battle draws near."

"Yes, the closer I get to Orleans the more I can feel his presence."

"We'll prevail, we have to."

"You took the words right from my mouth. Yes, I don't intend on losing. I still have a promise-"


It was Siegfried who shouted pushing Malzeno out of the way of a ominous black arrow.


Malzeno gave a thankful nod to Siegfried as they were approached by what seemed to be hostile servants.


"Two hostile servants! Malzeno, can you tell who they are?" Roman spoke through the transmission.

"The skimpy one is Atalanta, and the one clad in purple armor is Lancelot, both Berserkers."

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