The Fallen And The Planet [2]

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Giasmagorm is a formidable Elder Dragon who is in control of the Qurio. However, it's possible the Qurio don't need masters, but it's better to leech off the strongest to ensure survival.

With multiple fights, Malzeno and Giasmagorm were bitter rivals. However, another note is that Malzeno was weaker than his "Primordial" counterpart, his original version before the affliction.

Another reason the Qurio would return to Giasmagorm is because he was out of his "Prime." Or too weak; either applies.

The words Gaia said almost sent Malzeno into frenzy mode, but he calmed himself. The cautious but regretful look in Gaia's crimson eyes was enough to stop him from acting rashly.

"So, is that the evil dragon Saint Martha warned me about?"

"Unfortunately, the evil dragon was still summoned alongside the Archdemon."
Like a pile of toppling bricks, Malzeno slumped. He was in for a long and arduous few days if Giasmagorm was here. No one in this world was prepared for it. And with the few servants at his side, he knew the chances were slim.

"Is it a Servant?"

"Hmm, it was summoned just like the evil dragon, so it may still prove a struggle for you. All hope isn't lost."

"Doesn't exactly raise my spirits. This time, I will finish the job!"

Gaia clapped. "That's more like it! I'm sure you can beat it for the...third time?"

"My presence kept it at bay. Could it be that he went to the surface because of the gap between our worlds?"

"It's plausible, yes," Gaia nodded. "Walk with me!"

"I quite like where I'm sitting--OW!"
Malzeno felt his ear getting pulled, followed by his entire body. Gaia held his right ear that was blistering red due to the force it was pulled at.

"You know, it gets lonely here...well, sometimes," Gaia's voice was like a soft tune, blowing away all Malzeno's worries.

"That's the price of power. I know it too well," Malzeno added. He looked around and noticed he and Gaia were on the moon.

"I'm quite glad you answered my call. If it was Fatalis, I think I may have stepped in after the Grand Order was completed."

"Yes, Fatalis is a monstrous entity. He wouldn't hesitate to punish humanity for a second time."

"He's that scary?"

"Of course. Just uttering his name makes me quickly regret it."

Silence hovered as Malzeno and Gaia looked at Earth. For Gaia, this was the first time she talked with anyone who wasn't her other half. Gaia had to pull some strings to be the first to greet Malzeno, as Alaya tends to be aloof.

"You look lost. Are you not used to that body?"

"You can say that. I'm also borrowing it. The one you inhabit was a great man, fighting for his ideals to be a Hero Of Justice. He was betrayed in the end."

"All great men and women are. I came to realize that now that I have a human body. It's a bit clunky, but it has its benefits."

Gaia remained silent. Her crimson eyes went dull for a moment, realizing why her envy of Malzeno's world. It was easy to keep track of. If a bad end happened, it wouldn't affect the grand scheme of things, meaning there was no need to prune it.

"I learned when women are eerily silent, they're concocting some plan. What is it you need?"

Gaia huffed, her serious demeanor fading and her eyes shining. However, she seemed reluctant to speak her next few words.

"If you were to stay here after the Grand Order, would you? Or would you wish to return home?"

"Return home, huh? Even though I have barely been here long, it feels like forever."


"Can't you summon yourself upon the world using that body?"



"What?" Malzeno blinked at Gaia. Was she truly an airhead? "Please tell me you thought of this at least once?"

"Well, I only care about the planet, but..."

"You're saddened that Humanity is evolving further than you expect?"

"Of course! They're like my children. My other half doesn't care much. She wanted to record your data in the Throne Of Heroes so more versions of yourself would be summoned."

Malzeno cupped his hands. More versions of himself, huh? That sounds good on paper, but going over the classes, he would hate to run into any more Malzenos that ended up like himself.

"Did she do it?"

"No! I wanted to talk with you firsthand," Gaia sighed, her stress over mentioning Alaya rising by the second.

"You two don't seem to like each other."
Gaia closed her eyes. "We follow a strict policy. Alaya ensures that humanity doesn't face extinction. I merely wish for the planet to prosper. Sometimes, I borrow the Throne Of Heroes but mainly keep to Divine Spirits and True Ancestors to avoid conflict."

Hearing the explanation, Malzeno could feel that there was more to it, but he chalked it up to Gaia and Alaya having petty arguments or, in most terms, "catfights."

"Was it you or Alaya that I answered?"

"It was me!" Gaia nearly shouted. "Considering you're what we call a Phantasmal Species, it's easier for me than it is with Alaya."

"And Alaya is angry about that?"

"Eh? You knew?"

"A hunch. You asked if I would stay here after the Grand Order, correct?"


"As long as the planet needs my help, I will aid it. I'll stay if you and your sister stop fighting over me."


"We weren't fighting over you!"

Malzeno blinked. "You just said you were?"
"I lied!" Gaia threw her hands up with a huff, getting Malzeno to scratch his head.

"Is this something women do after saying the truth?"


"AH! WHY'D YOU HIT ME!" Malzeno rubbed the red mark on his right cheek, staring at Gaia with glowing red eyes.


"Things were simpler when I was just eating ore!"

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