Serene Lake

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Malzeno offered to take night watch, his mind at ease under the moon's constant light. He felt rejuvenated whenever its silver grace touched upon him. Whether it was a blessing from a Moon Goddess or not, he welcomed it.

Malzeno had sent Qurio out to feed. Of course, he listened to his Master's wishes about it not being humans unless necessary. He was okay with that, as he normally ate the monsters of his world and a vast amount of ore and metal.

Sitting upon a tree branch, he heard a low melody travel against the wind current. His crimson eyes seemed to darken before he looked over to the source. A small lake was nearby, so he jumped off the tree and lightly landed on the grass, crushing them beneath his sandals.

Malzeno walked to the source of the singing, his stride slow and easy so as not to disturb the sleeping Servants. The horde of cricket and cicada noises were annoying, resembling the same noise of pestering Gajalaka's.

As he reached the end of the tree lines, his sight was mesmerized by the flickering motes of light that reflected off the surface as if denied refuge below the surface. To make this better, he saw a large mirror, and the singing Elizabeth stood in front of it.

Malzeno just sat and listened to her oddly satisfying tune. He didn't think he would care about it, but it was dangerously pleasing. However, despite that, her tune was somber and melancholic.

Malzeno learned a bit more about her and how she'll inevitably become Carmilla, the infamous Blood Countess. This Elizabeth denied her future, something already set in stone, but she strives to be different and better than her future counterpart.

It was remarkable, leaving Malzeno silent. To reject the future takes immense courage and dedication. Right now, Malzeno knew she was on the right path forward.

Malzeno sighed as he decided to speak up. "Hey, kid."

Elizabeth's tail went stiff at hearing Malzeno's voice, but that wasn't all. She felt something within her tell her not to snap at him as if she was being tested.


"Ha...that was some good singing. Much better than what I usually hear," Malzeno stood beside Elizabeth, his crimson eyes fixated on the lake.

" was?"

Malzeno scratched his hair, smiling a bit at the uncertainty In Elizabeth's tone.

"Of course it was. However, I would be lying if I said it didn't bring up any memories of my past. Your tune was that of something venting."
Elizabeth's tail began to move again, her mirror disappearing from view so she could look at the pristine lake that captured Malzeno's eyes.

"Maybe...I mean, I don't want to end up like everyone wants me to be. The fact that Carmilla exists is already bad for my career!"

"Uh uh," Malzeno nodded, understanding Elizabeth's situation. "I believe you'll set your mark in history if you keep this up."

Elizabeth's tail moved faster, wagging like a happy dog. "You think so?"

Malzeno nodded slowly with closed eyes and a simple smile. There was no falsehood in what he was saying.

"Of course I think so," Malzeno lifted his right hand and patted Elizabeth's head, getting her eyes to widen at the action.

"Just keep moving at your own pace, forget what others think about you, and you'll be at the top in no time. If no one believes you, I will do so."

No other words were said as Elizabeth stared blankly at Malzeno, who seemed almost like...a father figure. The silence between the two was all that was needed to convey any words that would be spoken after this. Although she tried her hardest, a small, quiet sniffle came from Elizabeth.


Morning came by as the smell of rich dew and saltwater trickled into everyone's nose. It was the dawn of a new day and another day of fighting off hostiles.

Jeanne was the first to awake, as fighting against the English usually kept her up for days. It was a habit, and one wished she never had.

"Morning Princess!" Malzeno greeted as he was seated on a tree branch.



Fixated on the stunned Jeanne, who jumped up from his voice. Malzeno blinked owlishly.

"Malzeno, I would hope you would stop scaring me by now," Jeanne somewhat reprimanded, feeling her face go red from the entertained expression on Malzeno's face.

Malzeno shook his head, finding amusement in torturing the country girl with sudden greetings. "I believe you need some entertainment in life, Princess."

"I'm no princess," Jeanne scrutinized, her purple irises sunk at the word. It was lost on a country girl like herself.

Malzeno didn't press the word any further. He'll mess with her later today if anything else.

"Have you slept well?" Malzeno changed the subject, feeling the depressing aura surrounding Jeanne.

"I have. Thank you for making the hay bed for me. It reminds me a lot about home and my life before the war."

Malzeno pursed his lips. Yes. War was something that existed and will continue to exist as long as there are people with two different mindsets. Good or bad doesn't matter on the field. Only the victorious can dictate history.

"Think nothing of it. I was happy to be of assistance," Malzeno's eyes gleamed. "Although it seemed you were having nightmares."

Jeanne's mouth opened a bit before she continued. "I was...or more like, I was connected with the Dragon Witch."

Malzeno's crimson irises continued their gleaming, hinting at his brimming curiosity.


Jeanne nodded. "Yes, it would seem that I can see small pieces of what she's doing, though they come to me as nightmares. She may be feeling the same as me."

Malzeno stared in the direction of the lake. Its glorious sight from last night was long gone, like a forlorn wind.

"If that's true, that doesn't work in either favor because we'll both be at a disadvantage."
Yes, that would seem-"

"MALZENO, MISS JEANNE!" Mash's rushed and heavy shout interrupted the conversation between the Ruler Class Servants.


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