Chapter 1: Truths & Lies

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"Look Vanitas! Isn't this cute?!"

"Yes, yes...." Vanitas droned behind Yuki. Not even the slightest bit interested in her sightseeing.

Ever since he got back from his New York sight seeing he had to deal with dumb BUG hurting Cat Noir's feelings. But who was she suppose to know that was Adrien who happens to be in this field trip when Cat Noir can't protect Paris?

And when the trip was over Marinette made another stupid stunt to leave him in New York. That's right people! Her! After know their a few more Miraculous holders in New York he had to deal beating up the rest of the superheroes to get him home and then once he got home he was met by Yuki with a bone hugged crushed which he really dislikes a lot.

Honestly this whole marriage idea was killing him. It's driving him insane!

"Geez. You could be a little more excited in our date." Yuki pouted.

"It's not a date!" The blue eyed boy hissed, in his typical feline manner, for the 8th time. "We are running errands and I'm late for work at the bakery at Tom and Sabine. This is not a date!"

"Anything can be a date as long as we're together~." Yuki gush while linking her arms. Vanitas tries to pull away,  seriously. He tried but even thought he know she's a vampire she kept a tight grip.

You wish you would come back. You never force him to drag your favorite places. Never been so picky. Yuki however of course, teasing him. She  had only made the initial date comment when you left  a few half months now. But he got so riled up about it that it would be a waste of an afternoon not to continue. As the date day went on she continued to pepper in more flowery language. Remarks on young love. And a general syrupy sweetness that she  knew would get on his nerves.

"Oh look darling! There are boat rides around the park! Can we go?"

"No!" Vanitas barked. Trying to pull his arm away again. "I'm not getting on that ridiculous thing. It looks like a death trap."

"Come on. We only live once after all."


Pulling the man along, who dragged his feet as if they were made of stone, she pay the attendant her money and Vanitas never helped her  into a small boat before casting them off the shore. The general movement of the water pushing them along as Vanitas refused to row as his arms were crossed in protest, and she had no idea how to row. 

Which made this all very boring very quickly.

Vanitas was quite upset when this was you and his boat ride. Not Yuki's!

"Are you satisfied?"

Yuki turn from pretending to be interested in the scenery back at Vanitas, still with his arms crossed. "We're stuck out here all thanks to you."

"I mean...not all thanks to me. You could row us to shore...." He did not seem entertained by her comments. "Ok, ok. Maybe I took the joke a little too far. You just kept getting so adorably flustered when I brought up 'date' to you. Honestly, you might hurt someone's feelings if you protest that much about it."

"I was not 'protesting'." He argued. "I just don't like being volunteered for things. I agreed to run errands. Not go on a date. Like I would be stupid enough to go on a date where you have to do chores. I would at least take you away somewhere nicer than this stupid boat if we were on a date. I've thought of better plans you know. Getting rid of you."

Yuki blink curiously at the young man, who's brain seemed to have caught up with his mouth, as he glare at her. "You've thought about it?"

No response. Just more upset and furious.

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