Chapter 6: Psycomedian

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It was midnight, You started to brush your long dark twilight hair facing the mirror. Getting up on time would be quite hard. You had to be prepared for anything. You overheard the rumors that are saying that 9 brothers have transfer to your school. It could mean that the Vampire brotherhood have taken action already to seize the opportunity to make you suffer an endless torment.

Great, first dealing with Marinette's dumb attitude and now the killing spree has just begun. It matters not rather they have been reincarnated as just human beings, they all deserve the same fate you have suffered.

One word; Carnage.

Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted and you put down your comb and to see your big sister barge in your room with devastated anger opening your door wide open.

Speak of the devil herself.

"Where is it?!" Marinette snarled at you.

"Where is what? You're not allowed in here. Get out." You remain stoic and cold.

"The bracelet! You stole it from me didn't you!?" she accused.

"Bracelet? I don't know what you're talking about." Your slightly confused.  "What's this got to do with me? Had something happen?"

"Even if something happened (Y/n), it's none of your damn business!" She yelled and your eyes narrow  at how loud her volume was getting. You got up your chair and clench your fists.

"Keep your voice down. Get out-"

"God would you just shut up!?" She was yelling and she was crying, but she no longer cared. She hated you, she hated herself, she hated how she treated Luka, she hated how she couldn't tell Adrien how she felt, and she especially hated this secret that was a huge burden that she now had to deal with alone.

"I said get out-"

"I'm warning you (Y/n), just mind your own damn business. You've been trying to ruin my life as long as I can remember so just stop with this loving sister act bullshit!" Marinette didn't give you another chance to respond before she was in your face again.

You round house kick in her stomach very hard and her back slammed against the stair railing.

"You bitch-" she cried out and tried to stand again.

You walked over to her and tower before kicking her down flat on her body glaring with hatred. "This so called loving sister act you claimed, you're the one acting all innocent. You're impossible to accept the fact that you lost and try to have a solid evidence cause others wise you'll be put to court."

 Marinette kicked you on the back of your legs and swept your feet out from under you. You landed on the ground with a thud and she screamed as she pinned you to the ground. You recover quick, Marinette was above you with a fist clenched and ready to hit you. But you were quick with your reflex as you grab her fist and push back to collide in her face instead and claw your nails deeply into her chest, giving her a bloody scar ripping her shirt to expose her chest.

Marinette screams in pain wailing by clutching her chest.


"What in the world is going on out here?!" You heard your mother's voice shriek. Zero  and your father pulled your wailing crybaby big sister  off you.

Your mother was next to you helping you sit up. She felt the back of your head and blood trickled down her fingers as you scoffed.

"I understand the two of you are having trouble getting along but physically fighting is never okay!" Your father yelled.

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