Chapter 13: Guiltrip

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You and Vanitas are studying together while Ms.Bustier is teaching the class. Adrien and Noe are watching you two being a couple. They got shining stars in their eyes and hearts fluttering everywhere. They just couldn't stop starting when Nino waves his hands at them who can't get out of the lovestrucked trance.

You felt the stares stinging your spines, it was uncomfortable at first now everyone was wondering how on earth are you two being this close?

You felt Vanitas squeeze your hand while rubbing your knuckles while writing the stuff down. You smiled and just enjoy his company while paying attention.

All is well until Rose gets a headache, worrying Juleka. Rose asks Miss Bustier if she can go to the nurse. Miss Bustier replies saying that they can't keep Miss Heady waiting and asks Marinette to take her to the nurse. As she accompanies Rose, Marinette asks who is Miss Heady, and if she is an imaginary friend like Lily the Unicorn Rose had in sixth grade. Rose says Heady is a nickname she gives when her head is hurting and that reminds her to never leave Mr. Brekkie, who is the most important snack for her health.

Marinette replies saying she loves how Rose can see the world with rose-colored glasses, and tells her to get to class when she can and not to forget to greet Sissy, who she jokingly says is the nurse.

Rose laughs. "I'm just glad to see you are trying so hard to make amends with (Y/n), I hope you two can as well."

Marinette frowned, knowing that wasn't going to be easy talking to you. Rose enters the nurse's office and Marinette walks back to class. Juleka looks worried.

At the Cafeteria Juleka is happily eating lunch alone. She gets a message from Rose on her phone, and is instantly distressed upon seeing it.

Marinette walking by and seeing Juleka. "Juleka, if you skip Mr. Mealy, your big, tasty energy packed lunch, Heady might pay you a visit too!"

Juleka cries and runs away.

 "Juleka! Uh, I was just trying to make a joke! Uh, no, Juleka!" Marinette thinking she offended her.

"Idiot." You muttered before standing up and search for Juleka. Vanitas enters the school and bumps into you while continuing to look for her. "Vanitas."

"Luv, what's up?"

"It's Juleka. Marinette says something stupid. She just ran the cafeteria in tears, and..."

"She probably down there." Vanitas points to the door to the ominous boiler room.

You and Vanitas enter while holding hands carefully on the stairs. "It's so scary and dark." you shivered.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Vanitas drags  you carefully in the dark. "It's quite exiting. This is like from Resident Evil 7, Ethan tries to-"

"Okay, I get it. And please let's not let it happen to survive the dangerous Biohazard." You playfully roll your eyes.

"There she is." Vanitas and you walk towards a corner and hear crying. You hide behind a wall. Vanitas walks towards Juleka and kneels to her. "Is everything okay?"

"I just want to be alone." Juleka sobs.

 "You want to be alone, I understand. " Vanitas attempts to re-assure to her, you texts your classmates that Juleka was in the school's boiler room, and they immediately rush over.

"Hey,  did my sister say something that upset you?" You asked.

"It's not Marinette. It's Rose." she muttered.


"I'm worried about her."

"Isn't she in the nurses office?"

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