Chapter 3: Shanghai - The Legend of Ladydragon Part 2

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"Ugh, I knew I should have started Mandarin lessons a long time ago..." Marinette laments

You huff and turn to ask Fei. "So Fei, How did you learn how to speak English?"

"My father loved that language, he wanted me to know it. Besides, his Kung Fu school had lost all its local customers, but... he thought he could teach Kung Fu-loving tourists. But his school went up in smoke, and with it, everything he believed in." Fei explains.

"Not everything: you're still here." you stated.

"I've become the complete opposite of what he believed in!"

"I don't get it. He wanted you to be mean and a selfish coward?"  Marinette, confused, humorously asks.

"Why would you say that?" Fei was taken aback.

"Fei, you've been helping us for hours now even though you don't even know me and my sister, and you were super brave protecting us from the kids who were chasing us!"

"With misunderstanding." You cough it up.

"You're such an amazing person! So... If your father wanted the opposite for you..." Marinette continues to ignore you. Yep, she hasn't changed a bit.

Fei looks upset and doesn't agree filled with guilt. "I'm not as amazing as you think." You all made it to the street. "We're here."

You three arrive at Cash's pawn shop. "Look this way, I'll go that way." Fei points.

Marinette checks the shop. Fei smiles, pretending to look around. You found your Duel Disk and your deck, including Marinette's earrings.   "Girls, I've found my deck and the earrings!"

"Wow, what luck!" Fei walks over to you and go inside. You talk to the Cash. "Excuse me Sir, I would like to have this duel disk, the card and the earrings back please."

"They're very, very important to us, I'm so happy to have (Y/n) find them" Marinette who feigns to  beg Fei to translate amidst her excitement. "Could you please translate?"

"That won't be necessary,  I speak English. So...These Duel Monster card and the Duel Disk and these earrings are very precious to you? " Cash points at them with his fan.

"Yes." You nodded

"100,000 Yuan to get them back."

"What?" You were taken a back by the price. "100,000 Yuan? That's not right."

"Is that a lot?" Marinetteasks Fei if that's a lot of money, but she doesn't answer.

Fei looks at you and back at Cash angrily slamming the table, addressing Cash in Mandarin. "Nǐ gàosù wǒ nà shì jiàzhí bù chāoguò liǎng bǎi kuài de xiǎo wányì er! [You told me they were trinkets not worth more than two hundred yuans!]"

"That's the last applied demand, baby: it's precious to her, then it's precious to me!" Cash smirks.

"Zhè tài guòfènle! [That's way too much]!" Fei sneers.

"Rúguǒ tā fùchū dàijià, wǒ bǎozhèng nǐ huì dédào wèntí de dá'àn. [If she pays the price, I promise you'll get the answer to your question.]" Cash threatens.

"That's disgusting, using other people's misfortune to get rich!"

"You're the one who robbed those girls, you're the one who brought them to me afterwards, so tell me, which one of us uses people's misfortune more?"

Tikki listens in, realizing that Cash took advantage of and lied to the three of you just to get money.

Tikki flies out and hides behind Marinette's shoulder. "Marinette!"

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