Chapter 10: Queen Banana

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When you and Vanitas head to the barge, your friends were charging you with group piled  hugs. They were all worried about you and Vanitas. They all had you enveloped in a tight group hug, hoping to ease the pain and guilt that was threatening to submerge you once more.

Noe was hugging both of you in the center, so relief that your both okay.

Marinette stood near a tree on the barge as she watched the interaction between you and some of her closest friends. It was painful to know that she had caused the rift between herself and everyone, but she deserved to feel this way. She had accepted that.

Marinette hesitantly walked onto the houseboat and everyone's eyes shot towards her as her feet hit the floorboards.

"(Y/n) -uh...are you ready to um go home?" She asked, stumbling due to the intense stares. They all had scarily cold stares and she felt shivers down her spine.

They saw everything. Now they know, what kind of person who does that to you. They all held a disappointing look.

Suddenly your friend Domi march up to your sister and give her a hard slap across the face with a red mark. "How dare you address her name! Do you have the right to call her your sister?"

Marinette holds her cheek and then the tears started to spill.

"Leave Marinette." Luka was the only one who broke the silent glare.

His tone surprised her, "But I-"

"We'll get her home. You can go." Mylene was next.

"Yeah, bye." Even Juleka.

Vanitas cough out blood and made you alert. "Vanitas!" you grab his shoulder and remember that he stab himself and he's losing a lot of blood. Just in order to stop you from hurting others. "Vanitas! Someone call an ambulance, please!"

Everyone was now concern and rush to help Vanitas who is turning white. Noe is on  the phone calling the hospital.

You watch him being taken in care in the Ambulance car and check on everybody who has been wounded by you.

You felt shame that you did this. However you did receive a text from Anos that everyone in your class will have their memories erased from this event. They can't know your a demon cause otherwise, you might not stay in Paris for long when the secret is out.

Marinette lost all determination from her eyes, replacing it with total awkwardness. "(Y/n)..."

"Shut up." you cut her off. "I never want to see your face again. I gave you a second chance, and leave me no other choice." You summon your green cane and tap it harshly to summon your Assassins.  "來吧戰士們! 把她的東西帶來,把它們放在一堆裡,然後在火裡點燃![Lái ba zhànshìmen! Bǎ tā de dōngxī dài lái, bǎ tāmen fàng zài yī duī lǐ, ránhòu zài huǒ lǐ diǎnrán!] {Come soldiers! Bring her belongings and put them in the pile and light them up in the fire!}"

Marinette was confused and mortified that she can't understand what you said in mandarin when she saw your guards pile up dome of the belonging that belong to her. She was totally realizing her thing, her fashions, her pictures of Adrien, they were dumping everything in kerosenes.

"No...No, no, no! Stop! (Y/n)! Please! What are you doing!?" she shrieks in panic in her voice.

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