Chapter 7: Furious Fu

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In Marinette's room. Marinette seems slightly panicked as she is trapped in the bedlam of Kwamis pleading and reasoning with her.

"But we wanna..."

"We all missed Master Fu..." Sass and Pollen finish the statement for Mullo.

"Hey! Let us visit him! Come on!"  Xuppu declared.

"Please!" Fluff pleaded.

"It's not fair!" Trixx whines.


"Pleeeeeease!" All the Kwamis pleaded for argument.

"No!" Vanitas strictly scold them and they they just keep on whining. "All of you can't come without no control of a user."

"When he made us the new Guardian, his memory was magically erased." Marinette explains.

"And now he is retired as a normal guy just like everyone else. He can't know about the Miraculous, Us being supernatural or you Zodiac's serve Buddha." Vanitas added and picked up his doctors bag. "Echo, let's go. Make sure you don't let (Y/n) see you."

"Right!" Echo hide in Vanitas' vest.

"That's not fair!" The rest of the Kwamis, however, begin the argue with Vanitas and Marinette again.

"Why does Echo and Tikki get to go and not us?" Ziggy pouts.

"I'm sorry, friends, but you know Echo and I can't leave Vanitas and Marinette in case they need to transform." Tikki said.

"But what if we hide too? Then he'd never see us! That'd be okay, right?" Trixx suggested.

 "We just wanna make sure he's okay!" Daizzi excalims.

"He took care of us for more than one hundred years, you know!" Xuppu reminds.

"But you're gonna have to let him live his new life with his wife!" Vanitas countered. "It's not like I have a choice to take care of you. I still need to get ride of an evil bride and without a  Nine Million Dollar Goth Ring, I'm bloody dead!"

"Vanitas, even so, you know Master Fu trusted me to help him protect the Miracle Box. I was more than just his Kwami - I was his friend. And I miss him so much..." Wayzz begins to sob.

"I understand, but..."

"Alright, you can come, Wayzz." Marinette defeated.

"OI!" Vanitas glared at her.

The Kwamis erupt into another discordant argument with Marinette.


"Not fair!"

"I wanna see him!"

"I wanna go!"

"Well we can't just take all of you at once!" Vanitas cross his arms. The Kwamis start to sulk and question why. "No user, no  protection of the Miracle Box, my girlfriend can't know yet - that's why!"

"What do you mean my sister can't know yet?" Marinette was beginning to feel the pressure. "Don't tell me you plan on snitching to tell her."

"That's my choice, not yours." Vanitas pokes her. "Besides, Noe knows your Ladybug, so I prefer that I tell My future wife when we're alone with no Maripig stalking our romantic kiss!"


"MARIPIG, bitch!" Vanitas shove a trash on her head.

 Trixx gets the idea. "So you're saying is if one of us stays here to keep watch... the rest of us can come, right?"

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