Chapter 20: Wishmaker

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"Your class representative, Marinette, is going to be handing you a questionnaire to fill out regarding your study options after school." Mr. Damocles announces once Ms. Bustier hands over career questionnaires to Marinette.

Marinette begins to distribute the questionnaires, starting with Sabrina.

"Utterly useless! I already know what I want to be when school is over: rich, because I'm already rich. And the baker girl, well, the baker girl. Oh, just plain ridiculous! Yes, being ridiculous would be right up your alley, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe insulted her as Marinette stares angrily at her.

"You know, Chloé, people are defined by their choices and what they decide to do with their lives. That's why I'm asking you to start defining yourselves by deciding what you want to do later on. It's not just about your future careers, but also what you want out of your life." Ms. Bustier explains when Marinette hands over a questionnaire to Chloé.

"If some of you aren't sure yet about what you want to do, the Paris Career Expo will be held this weekend in various locations throughout the city! You'll meet professionals who would tell you about their careers!" Mr. Damocles added.

Ms. Bustier opens a projected map behind her. "The document that Marinette just handed you includes a map of Paris with the locations of each career booth."

Marinette hands a questionnaire to Alya who started to whisper. "How about "superhero"? Does that count as a job?" They both laugh softly.

"I would add that you should never let the context impose your costume on you. You should choose your costume yourself! Speaking of which, I, myself, would be present at the charity stand as... " Mr. Damocles zooms out of the door and comes back as The Owl while breathing heavily. "...the Owl! Hoo-hoo! Your daily righter of wrongs!"

{~With Vanitas and (Y/n)~}

You and Vanitas  are discussing your career booklet.

"Don't you wanna continue to model with Adrien?" Echo asked him.

Vanitas blew a raspberry and toss his booklet. "Under my fathers rules. Hell no. 'Don't eat carbs Vanitas'. 'Vanitas sit up straight and don't slouch'. I know what I want to be but anywhere better than Paris' doctors."

"What do you think of Sapphire as a career?"

"Sapphire won't be needing the Miraculous once we defeat Mr. Mothy. We'll just send it to the black hole." Vanitas shrugs.

Echo sighs. "Of course, us magical supernatural are not really all that great. We're just distractions."

You continuously taps your pen on your table while your career booklet is still blank. "I know what I wanna be."

"An anime artist for Comic Con." Vanitas smirks.

"Yes! But I'm nowhere near as a pro." You lean back your chair. "I still have to come up  with all sorts of inspiration and  Paris is like a small world and maybe it's best to move out the City and start living in a quiet country."

"Not without me your not." Vanitas stood up and sat next to you. "I know that finding a job is important and maybe then you can build an Anime studio where you can have plenty of manga artist and comics. You can voice act and you will soon be rich and famous to have many, many followers."

"Well what about you as a doctor?" You turn to him. "Surely you have that bag for a long time and who knows, perhaps my career will have to wait in the future. And speaking of the future, I would marry you for real and I have to do house chores and make sure to be a loving mother."

Vanitas nods and caress you cheeks. "That is very true. And who knows, our future may not know what our family will be like."

"Dogs and cats. Kids being like you." You chuckled.

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