Chapter 8: Sole Crusher

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You walked into the bakery, dressed and ready for school. You were relieved to see that Marinette appeared to be doing better. She was back to her typical sporadic energy.

It had only been a few days since her fight with your classmates, so you were surprised to see she bounced back so quickly.

Marinette was picking up apples and you couldn't help but to scoff at the sight of her clumsiness.

"What's up?" You asked with  a deep voice. After helping your parents open the bakery, you went back to sleep for an hour.

Marinette didn't even move slightly to acknowledge you which made your mother frown. "We had a customer come in and your sister accidentally ran into her."

You reached to grab your muffin your mother promised you just to realize it wasn't there. You looked up at her with a questionable expression and her's was guilty.

"Marinette gave her all of the pastries you like as an apology." Your mother spoke, realizing the backwards apology her daughter had given the young customer.

You scoffed and kicked the basket of apples over again once your mother's back was turned, grabbing one that rolled to the floor, and you walked over to the sink to wash it off.

Marinette was fuming as she began to pick up the apples again.

"Oh Marinette! You really need to be more careful." Your mother scolded.

You didn't bother to look back when your sister burnt holes into your back with her eyes. And you throw a ball of apples in her face and she fell down. You ain't letting her give you that stupid look. You're already making her suffer the pain you felt.

It's only the matter of time.

You and Marinette walked side by side to school again. When in reality, the second you were out of sight of the bakery, you sped off in front of her.

You walked into the courtyard and went over to a bench near the corner of the area. You pulled out your textbook and read the homework pages you intentionally didn't do last night. Your peaceful studying didn't last long before the school brat, Chloe, began announcing her presence. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a silky red carpet that Sabrina was quickly rolling out.

"Hey you nobodies! Stop your meaningless chatter for a minute and listen up! This is uh...  what's your name again?" Chloe whispers to this new girl.


Chloé pushes Zoé. "We'll buy you a new name later. This is Zoé. She's only my half-sister for now but you must still treat her with respect, so bow down...uh, I mean give her the welcome her status deserves."

"Her sister? Chloé has a sister?" Rose asked.

Alya, Rose, Juleka, and Alix immediately think the new girl is bad news, like a second Chloé, but Marinette puts their anger to rest by saying not to judge quickly. "Relax girls! I met her at the bakery earlier. She's totally nothing like Chloé. She's actually really nice! And besides we shouldn't make snap judgments about people before we get to know them, right?"

You feel something in your head and clench tight. You have to get it together, you can't lash out right now or they'll get hurt.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" Noe asked with Jeanne and Domi by hi side.

"I'm fine." You straight up.

"Ah, rule number 148: obviously, you need a guy BFF to wrap around your finger. Preferably gorgeous and very rich." Chloe wraps her arm around Zoe while watching Adrien and Nino do the handshake. "That one over there is mine, Adrikins! He's the best there is. So keep your hands off, you here! We'll find you a less handsome one because you're less pretty than me, obviously."

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