Chapter 4: Gang OF Secrets

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The flight back to Paris was okay. Marinette had to go earlier and prepare whatever she's doing. Vanitas however stayed behind and accompany you. You have to say goodbye to your Uncle and Fei. Anos will be in Paris with Zero and Yang and work in Master Fu's shop as a Therapy station.

You genuinely thought the worst part was going to be when you said goodbye to your friends. Even though that moment had been completely dreadful, you and Vanitas did kiss one last time, promising to see each other as soon as you could between your tears. But he's with you now and he's taking you home by himself as he held your hand in his.

Now walking into the airport, you felt an undeniable dread seep into your stomach.

"I don't want to see her again..." you sighed as Vanitas squeezes your hand softly.

"As long as you have me, I'll make sure she gets a beating with her nose running." Vanitas made a teasing manner which made you smile to him.

It had been a few months since you had last spoke to your sister. She messaged you a few times, almost begging to talk about the last fight the two of you had. It was so out of character for her that you weren't even sure if she was the one who sent it. You grew a massive amount of hatred towards her that got worse every time you remembered what she said to you. Even with all the pent up aggression, a part of you hoped that she would regret it and the two of you could finally fix everything.

That would remain a dream.

Your friends and you're parents were soon in your line of vision with a big sign with your name written on it in sharpie. You couldn't help but laugh at your father's large and slanted letters.

Marinette stood next to your father, half of her body tucked behind his nervously. You noticed she also had a sign in her hand, much more creative and colorful than your parent's basic one.

She always was like that, colorful.

You approached them and they responded with a spine-cracking hug. "Wow, best bear hug ever huh?" You grunt as you dropped your bags to try and pry their arms off you. Your eyes averted to the left and you noticed Marinette made no move to try and hug you.

You weren't phase by that at all, you were glad since you had zero desire for her to touch you, but Vanitas.

Suddenly Vanitas has an incoming call from his phone and frowns in distaste. He turns to you in frowning. "I have to go...My father wishes to see Yuki..."

You frown as well hearing this. Yuki Kuran is making his life miserable. You hug his waste to comfort him. "I'll...see you soon...?"

Vanitas hugs you back. Even though you had no idea how to save him from Yuki, so he try to see you as soon as possible. "Yeah, head home My Luv. I'll meet you there." he kisses your forehead and head home first.

While it stung, your emotions were conflicting, you weren't sure what was draining you more...that or Vanitas marrying a murderous bride.

"Let's go home as well. Will you three escort me there, please." You asked your friends as they nodded and Noe helped you pick up your luggage and hand one of them to your dad. Your parents nervously looked back and forth at each other when they realized your older sister had yet to say a word to each other.

It stayed that way the rest of the ride home.

You walked upstairs immediately and ignored the nervous conversation your parents had with your sister as you moved swiftly to your room, which was on the middle level of the house with your parents.

It made you wonder why your parents were so shocked when you didn't speak with your sister, it never went well when you two did. What difference would a year apart make?

We Are As One (Vanitas x Reader) Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now