Chapter 18: Hack-San

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Vanitas was gambling in the bar. It was stupid, but Ayato wanted to prove he was the best. They were betting on a big guy and they won. Ayato was having fun and grab all the money and handing it to Vanitas, even though has does not want part of this.

"This is not possible!" The guy stammers.

"I'm surprised as you are." Ayato shrugs, grabbing the rest of the money.

The crowd slowly moves away, Vanitas staring up at the large man with wide eyes. "You and your big mouth." he muttered through his teeth.

Ayato stuffing his money away. "Did you wanna go again?"

His voice wavers as he looks back, noticing the man was in front of them. The guy grabs Ayato's shirt throwing him against the wall. "Teach them a lesson." The boss growls pushing past some men as they smirk.

"Hey, fellas. Let's... Talk about this?" Ayato smirks as the boys back away.

"Remind me why, I'm involve in this." Vanitas smirks at him.

"'Cause you want information and this is what our next stop is."

"By gambling..."


An engine revving catches the men's attention, a bright light blinding them as they swiftly yell and jump out of the way.

Marinette skids to a stop on her scooter, turning to the two. "Guys, get on!"

"You're late Maripig!" Vanitas mocks, Ayato letting out a big sigh of relief. The boys climb behind her. She speeds off, the men yelling after them.

"Are you two okay?" Marinette questions.

"Yep." Ayato smirks, looking back down the alley.

"No! We're so dead!" Vanitas stuffing all the money.

"Are you hurt?" she asked.

"No," Ayato replies, a wide grin on his face.

"I've been hustle by Yours Truly." Vanitas gags.

"Oh," Marinette sighs, becoming angry as she reaches back and blindly smacks at Vanitas. "What were you thinking, you knucklehead?!"

Vanitas block her attacks and grabs her head to look straight. "Keep your eyes on the rode, Pig!"

Marinette turns her scooter around, driving the way they came. "Your older and now this how is what you're doing? What kind of boyfriend that likes to gamble?!"

"A boyfriend who like to cause trouble and beat up street fighters!" Vanitas retorted.

Marinette  swerves to avoid the men, driving on a ramp and flying over them. Ayato laughs and cheers.

They land safely, Marinette sighing. "Gambling is illegal! You're both gonna get yourselves arrested!"

" Gambling is not illegal," Ayato defends, shaking his head. "Betting on gambling? That's--that's illegal."

"And that's what we did," Vanitas mumbles in a sing-song, Ayato sighing.

"But Van, come on! It's so lucrative!" He whines, showing off the money. "We're on a roll! And there is no stomping me!"

Marinette skids to a stop, cringing at the blue and red flashing lights ahead as  Ayato waves the money around.

"Oh, no."

"... You were saying?" Vanitas questions, Ayato nervously laughing. Handcuffs were put on the three, and off to jail they went.

Vanitas sets his hand down, and he grins, waving at Ayato and Marinette in the other cell packed full of the people from the bar.

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