Chapter 12: Mega Leech

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You woke up in your bedroom, the sun was shining through your balcony glass doors and you rubbed your eyes. you then sat up and yawned, your droopy eyes wandering around your room until they fell upon a large and beautiful dress on the ground.

You smiled happily.

You then looked towards your vanity where a certain Noirette sat  besides you and was sipping on hot chocolate.

You squinted at them for a minute then screamed.


You immediately covered yourself with your sheets.  You're face is red and warm. Vanitas chuckled and placed his cup on the table. "Good morning, Ma Luv. Sleep well?"

You nodded and blushed even more, why was Vanitas in YOUR room? You then realized a potential reason and hid your face with the blanket. Vanitas raised his eyebrow and watched you curiously.

" we...?"


"Um, d-did we...u-uhh..."

You peeked from behind your covers and watch Vanitas clear hi own throat, his own face flush of deep red, his ears getting brighter and brighter. "N-no! I just drop you off at home after you pass out from our romantic dance we did last night..."

The room went silent as you both stared at each other, faces red and hot. Vanitas then started to chuckle as you started to do the same and you both laughed loudly. You grew quiet when you heard Vanitas' wonderful laugh as it reached your ears since you've never heard it before. It felt real this time.

Your eyes gleamed at him and he smiled. "Want some?"

You nodded and checked your outfit before you remove the cover before scooting over to him, you weren't really sure what you would be wearing since your mind had convinced you that you two had done it last night. You sighed in relief when you saw your PJ's and took a cup of hot coca when he hold it for you ever so delicately in his hands.

You took a sip and smiled a bit as the memories from last night flashed into your mind.

Yuki getting her ass whooped.

The slow dance.

The kiss.

Vanitas reveal his identity as Sapphire.

Oh, yeah that's right! He was Sapphire the whole time! Everything flooded through your mind and it seems to makes sense and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't believe that Vanitas is Sapphire! The Vanitas, the Dark Night who always gave you the impression and not to mention all the evidence begin when you recognized his scent and his soul color.

And you finally know you're answer that not only you fell in love with Vanitas, but Sapphire as well. And he knew that you're Dragon-Phoenix this whole time.

" knew. This whole time, my Vanitas is Sapphire. And Sapphire knew I was Dragon-Phoenix." You started.

Vanitas nodded. "I wanted to tell you right before left. But I knew I've kept you waiting and there were occasions when it was not the right time to tell you. I wouldn't think you would handle the truth. The burden and all."

You lased your fingers with his rubbing his knuckles. "Well now I do. And I always think I knew there were comparisons. You once ask that I trust you and I do, no matter the cause. "

"You ...knew?" Vanitas asked.

You nodded at bit. "It was during Hong Kong....mediating my own thoughts alone upon Goddess Celestia."

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