Chapter 14: Crocoduel

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You and Vanitas are still cuddling with each other. Once the sun began to peek thought the curtains, you slowly open your eyes, feeling the dull ache of a hangover settling in. You rub your eyes, and try to adjust the surroundings that had transpired.

Vanitas was already awake, sitting at the edge of the bed and watching you with a charming expression on his face. "Good morning, beautiful."

You smiled tiredly. "Morning."

He placed a hand on your forehead to check your temperature. "How are you feeling?"

You groaned again and buried your face in the pillow. "Like I screw up and decided rather I should be regretting that I scar my own psycho sister, or should I feel happy that she gets the picture that I'm a demon. What's your opinion?"

Vanitas shrugs. "Eh, she ain't my problem. And she's not yours either. She might as we sort this out and keep her locked up in a Therapy Parlor that will give her a beating and she's been taking out barnacles from Anos' was a total work out for punishment and a decent lecture."

"SO by lecture and punishment, Anos is just doing what all Kings do. Whipping her ass or saying such mocking words." you knew too well that Anos doesn't take too kindly when it comes to you as his daughter.

"Well whipping a girls ass, yes for punishment. Mocking? He probably took her to the hot seat and let Zero has his fill of fun giving her all the garbage to clean his station." Vanitas chuckles to himself. Vanitas grinned at you as he handed you a tray of breakfast, complete with toast, eggs, and a steaming cup coca. "I figured you might need some fuel to help you recover."

You looked up at him, feeling a rush of surprise and gratitude. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. You couldn't remember someone doing something this sweet. "Thank you," you said softly, your voice laced with surprise.

Vanitas smiled warmly at your expression of gratitude, but then quickly waved it off. "Don't get too used to it," he chuckled. "I'm not exactly known for my thoughtfulness."

He leaned over to you and whispered conspiratorially, "And don't tell anyone about this. I'll never hear the end of it if they find out I'm capable of being sweet."

You couldn't help but giggle at his words, feeling grateful for his gesture and also amused by his reluctance to let others know. Despite his tough exterior, it was clear that there was a softer side to Vanitas that he kept hidden from most people.

As you both enjoyed your breakfast, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. The events of the previous night may have been unexpected, but you couldn't deny the connection that had formed between you and Vanitas.

As you finished up your breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Vanitas got up to answer it, and you heard Noé's voice calling out a greeting. "Hey, guys! Hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Vanitas chuckled as he opened the door. "No worries, Noé. We were just finishing up breakfast. Come on in."

Noé entered the room, looking refreshed and energetic. "So, what's the plan for today?"

You smiled at Noé, glad to see him. "I heard Juleka and Luka are celebrating their Birthdays. We should stop by and give them something."

Noé's face lit up at the mention of a birthday. "That sounds perfect! I'll go get my tarte tatin and the ice-cream. You guys can meet me at the boat."

"Sounds good to me," you said, nodding in agreement. "How about you, Vanitas? You in?"

Vanitas shrugged. "Sure, why not? It could be a nice change of pace from all the running around we've been doing."

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