Chapter 30: I Love

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Yuqi hesitantly parted from Miyeon's lips

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Yuqi hesitantly parted from Miyeon's lips.

"Y'know I've got a test at my academy today.."

She didn't wanna say it, she didn't wanna stop, but Miyeon would've been disappointed if she'd given up on the test. After all, Miyeon had forced her into her late admission into a college.

"And you know what?", Miyeon said as she sat up and swifty positioned herself on top of the girl, "Just forget it for once.". The last thing Yuqi remembered were the ends of Miyeon's silky blonde hair tickling her face as they fell like wisteria on her before Miyeon violently rushed in for another kiss.

Shuhua held the urge to slap Miyeon's ass, but couldn't help but say, "That's better! I knew miss princess had a bad girl in her!"

Shuhua herself had assumed a position sprawled across Soojin's bed as the other softly cupped her lover's face.

"This isn't half as bad is it? ", Soojin asked with a tiny hint of a sly smile on her cherry lips, poking Shuhua's cheek. 

"Hmph. You know I can be more than cute!" 

Soojin laughed, and Shuhua's heart felt warm and fuzzy.

The golden sunlight spilled through the window onto Minnie's flushed rosy cheeks. Seated beside her in a rustic armchair, Soyeon admired her ardently.

" Get a room all of you! ", Minnie joked from her side of the room.

It was a small house, it was a nice life. They had a garden outside with three palm trees and a few flowers. They'd all run away from their previous lives into the arms of Soyeon, who never had much of her own, but gave all she could.

They were all bonded with the string of fate that join birds of a feather, and women who choose to follow their own lives instead of the ones written for them.

Soyeon was their leader, so to say, because it was her house. She paid for Yuqi and Shuhua's colleges. Minnie paid for Soojin and Miyeon paid for herself from her several past times.

They all helped each other because they all knew that this wasn't the end. They all knew there was something better for all of them, that the world had left just out of reach, but nothing is impossible if you do your best. That was their motto.

"The rice is steaming. Better get it ready for my girls now.", Soojin declared and ran over to one side of the house they called the kitchen.

Shuhua pulled Soyeon aside.

"Unni, you've done so much for us. I was just a girl when I ran away from my stupid father and you made a home for me. If it weren't for you, I'd be nothing!

I've always thought of repaying you somehow, but I could never figure it out. But now, I know-"

Soyeon was surprised, baby Shu had a lot to say!

"I know that you're sooooooo into Minnie!"

Soyeon flushed a deep red and hastened to cover Shuhua's mouth.

"Shh! Who's been feeding you these lies you stupid girl? I'm sure you're just playing around now, but this is adult business-"

"I AM an adult! And no.. I saw how you blushed looking at the sun fall on Minnie's face! She's so beautiful that I would too if I weren't loyal to Soojin. So tell me.. would you like me to set you both up? "

Soyeon chuckled at the thought. Minnie and Soyeon were the best of friends, they'd known each other long before any of them. And here her little girl was suggesting she'd get them together!

" If I'd been brave enough.. ", Soyeon confessed to herself," I'd have told her long ago. I'd have told her how my heart skips a beat each time I look into her deep, brown eyes ; how her jet black hair is like a waterfall at night, swift, mysterious and coloured by the stars ; how my mind thinks of her and only her when I allow myself leisure and, when the day is done, she dances her way into my dreams.. "

But outside she could only say," Shuhua, you're smart. But I need you to keep this a secret ok? I don't even know if Minnie's into girls, and I'm.. happy.. with what we have now.. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything in the world. "

What both were oblivious of however, was that even though Miyeon was oh so busy kissing up her girlfriend, she was a VERY observant person.

When Yuqi realised she'd definitely have to leave for college now unless she wanted to be marked absent, she very shyly pulled herself away from Miyeon's grip.

Miyeon lay on the white sheets like a goddess of love , her smudged bright red lipstick pleading for Yuqi's return.

But Yuqi with her large sweater and dog slippers had barely managed to wake up and only God knew how she managed to get out amidst Shuhua's heckling, "Gogi couldn't handle Bad Bitch Miyeon!!!"

Soojin was busy in the kitchen, Soyeon left for her producer's office, Yuqi left for college.

Only Miyeon, Shuhua and Minnie were left in the room, and the former knew exactly what to do.. 


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this one's for the sapphics

Ugh I think most of you were tired of the sad stuff happening in the earlier chaps so I snuck this in here

How are we liking it???

Also Minnie is so gorg I get you Soyeon I really do.

Soojin's comeback was so awesome 😭😭😭😭 I'm so glad everyone's thriving in the industry rn

Please look forward for the next and I hope I didn't disappoint! 💕

Please look forward for the next and I hope I didn't disappoint! 💕

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