Chapter 19- Painkillers

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Professor Jimin was worried

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Professor Jimin was worried. It had been a week since Minho had appeared in class, and two days since Felix had too.

They usually sat closest to the teacher, were very early and were (though he wouldn't admit) definitely his favourite students.

Still this was college. It was rare enough that Jimin knew the names of his students at all.

He scanned the class.

"Ah, I don't know any of them. They don't even bother to interact in class. Ah,no wait, I know that boy! Prof Jeongyeon talks a lot about him. Would he know anything about those two?"

He called out, looking at the two-
"Yang Jungwan? Yes, you. Come to my desk right now."

Jeongin had no idea why the professor had called out his name wrong but he wasn't one to disobey.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get down here" , Jimin whispered into Jeongin's ear, "I've something to ask of you."

"Did I- uh do anything wrong ,Prof?"

"No, but well, I needed to ask you. Do you know Lee Minho?"

Of course Jeongin knew! Professor Jimin never went a day without talking about him,even when he was absent. He never even LOOKED at the other students.

"Yes, sir. Our dorms are quiet near."

Jimin clapped his hands in front of his face.

"Fantastic! This boy is not as useless as i thought!"

"Pardon, professor?"

"Oh, nothing. Do you think you can contact Minho and see what's keeping him from coming to class?"

"Oh, sir but I-"
Jeongin didn't want Minho to be back in class and hog all the teachers attention. He didn't like him anyway

"Are you talking back to a professor? Is this what you're taught in this established college? I see you wouldn't like to do the whole month's work in a week now would you?"

Bruh. Jeongin thought.

"Ah, no prof! How could I? I'll definitely look for him. "

"Fine! That's settled! Don't worry about the time loss, I'll make one of your classmates do your work for today. Now Junghan, make me proud!"


It'd been a long day of classes. Jeongin had almost forgotten about the professor's request.

He walked back to his dorm tired.
Another day of the teachers not noticing him.

He didn't understand. No matter how hard he tried, he was never good enough.

"Why do I even bother? "

He locked the dorm door behind him. Shadow. No lights. Again. The only light of his life lay in his dorm room. Nothing outside interested him anymore.

"I have to be positive for him.", Jeongin took a deep breath, and pushed the door into his dorm-mate's room open.

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