Chapter 31- Clean As A Whistle

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Just then, there was a knock on the door

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Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Miyeon glanced lazily at the others in the room and, sensing no response, answered the door.

"Who is it?"

There was no reply.

She opened the door.

"Uh.. hi.. remember me?", Jisung couldn't meet her eyes.

"Of course! Come here! Its been so long!!", Miyeon pulled Jisung in for a big hug. Jisung felt like a child again, felt pure again.

Miyeon looked up to find Minho awkwardly waiting near the gate. She saw the sadness in his eyes, the guilt and the shame, but most prominent was the love.

She let go of Jisung and turned to Minho's direction and spread her arms wide open. "Get in here, big boy."

Minho, to his surprise, ran in for the hug and almost picked Miyeon up.

There was something about her that the boys, and everyone, connected with happiness, something ephemeral about her constant forgiveness.

"Noona.. there's this thing. Could you walk with us for a bit?",Jisung found his tongue again.

Once on the sidewalk, Jisung started.

" I've figured it out, noona. There's been some plotting against us. You see, Minho and I are in love. But there's been a suspicious sequence of events going on. First, somehow someone makes up a story about Felix being a stalker, of me being some weird revolution leader in some lost land, of someone named Kim Seungmin being a rapist.. when none of that ever happened. Felix is even in jail. "

" What?! So much? Its only been a couple of months! "

" Yes! And they've been trying to get Minho in trouble too! From what I've heard and deduced, I'm 100% sure it's my parents. They're not done torturing me after what they did that year I spent without everyone. They've got to my friends. They've even hired a policeman named Bang Chan to spy on us as an undercover student! "

" I'm so.. shocked! I'm so sorry for both of you.. I wish there was someway I could help.. "

" Its only you who can. If I may ask, noona.. could you tell me where my parents were when you left our old town? "

" Uhh.. I'm not very sure.. but it was indeed a small town, and everyone knew what everyone was doing. We were so distraught about you, we hardly cared. However, I remember that at some point they left the old house you lived in and moved into a bigger one. Your father gained some important connections once your uncle became a police chief. "

" That's it! That's where the got the power to hire Chan! "

" They went around telling everyone how pleased they were with you in college. How you never got in trouble. How they knew your every move even when you were far away. "

" What? ", Minho spoke suddenly," How is that possible? "

" It is. ", said Jisung," it is possible when our dorm is near the infirmary, which Chan visited frequently. "

" Oh my God! ", Miyeon shrieked.

" Noona, we really need to ask you a favour. We're heading to our old town today. Could you please explain all this to Chan and the others? Hyunjin doesn't have the money to bail Felix out.. Minho won't tell me how he got it but Hyunjin was terribly shaken. You must help them!"

"Don't worry. I'll try my best. I'll bring the girls with me too. They're wonderful and Soyeon has a lot of authority publicly."

"Thank you so much.. we would be nothinh without you!"

Jisung ached desperately to recount old times with her.. but it was time to work.


The train took off at 4 pm. Minho and Jisung sat side by side, hand in hand, with Jisung's head on Minho's shoulder.

The scenery rushed past. The world ran with them. It could hardly keep up with them. Just outside, there were so many lives fit living. But for Jisung, a life with his love was the only one worth it.

"Minho... How is Miyeon so perfect?"

"She's not. Nobody is. She just can't help but believe that all of us, deep inside, are as good as can be. "

" And why can't I think so.. no matter how much I try? Why must I be so violent? Why must I hurt you? "

" My love, Jisung, you mustn't compare yourself. You were once a clean slate. Nobody is born crazy, nobody is born violent. You are now what you have experienced in your past."

" Can I tell you something I've never told anyone? The year I disappeared.. I never really left the town. I was never in a different place. I was there. I was at home. Except I never knew our house had a chamber under the basement.

My father had kept me there for a year. He'd done things to me that I could never ever mention again.

He'd show me pictures of women till I'd vomit. He'd see if I got an erection looking at them. If I didn't, he'd beat me, or tazer me, or press my head against anything he could find.

When I'd try to escape.. he'd tell me to imagine your face in my head, and he'd push things inside me. I'd bleed and bleed and bleed. He'd shock me right after. He'd tell me it was you who did that. He'd tell me it was your friends and other seniors like Seungmin who did it.

For the longest time, I believed it. Even when I attacked Changbin, I thought of Seungmin raping me. But now as we reach our town and trace back each track, new doors open in my brain. Its like I couldn't even think all these days. Now I can breathe. Now I can feel.

Down there, I couldn't see light for a year. "

" Jisung, this is why we are so fucked up sometimes. You never got the chance to be a normal child. You never got to live and experience the goodness of life. Your parents, they are humanity undressed for you. You are prone to believe that people will take any opportunity to wrong you because you've never had someone do you right.

You're a good person, Jisung, you really are, and that is why I love you.

You deserve a love that will let you see the world for the first time again. "



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