4. drinks and distress

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It is already the fiftieth time I’ve checked my temporary hair color for tonight, which is black, and in those times god did I think it bloody hell doesn't suit me. This was all the ridiculous idea of my friend, Clifford. I don't want anyone to know that I’m the one who rented the place for my farewell party for the seniors, and since he has an obsession for changing hair colors, he convinced me to dye mine temporarily. And since every student I have that knows that blonde is my real hair color, I figured I should do something with my hair to prevent suspicion or wild guesses.

Well, not that a student of mine is already suspecting that it's me, but I believe it's for the best to avoid getting caught. I’m being too paranoid aren't I? Only Hood, Irwin and Clifford know my secret. I just hope that they don't spill it to anyone in this club because everyone present here in this club are my senior students.

I jumped when the door abruptly opened, revealing a galaxy haired boy smirking at me.

"Luke, I don't really get why you're feeling all insecure about your new hair color. It’s fucking temporary, jesus, get outta here and live your boring life!" he rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and leaned on the door frame.

"No." I crossed my arms and sat on the skimpy old couch. It smells like my grandma but for now I’ll have to deal with it. I really don’t want to go out there because even with a black hair, my bright blue eyes are out of this world. Someone is bound to recognize me unless they are all too drunk to notice.

"It’s fun! I tell you!" Michael prodded with wild hand gestures that makes him look funny. I checked the watch on my left hand and it says it's only nine thirty in the evening.

I sighed. "Mike, it's not even ten yet, the students are still sober! I don't want to-"

"Stop blabbering and fucking get out of here! Luke, I’m getting impatient with you! I’ll go punch a bitch if you don't get out right fucking now!" he shouted and continuously tapped his foot angrily on the floor.

"You sounded like a girl for a sec there." I chuckled, but he was keeping his serious face on. Looks like I’m not going to get away from him this time. I grumbled, "Fine, fine. But I’m going to stick in the background."

"Better than locking yourself in here, mate! hurry!" he grinned, and I grabbed calum's checkered jacket hanging from a stand and tied it around my waist before making my way out of the room, leaving it closed.

My mate hurriedly dragged me in the scene, and I couldn't help but bob my head up and down to the blasting remix of fall out boy and all time low. It’s a mash up of party songs, and I must confess that it did justice.

"Who made the music remix this time?" I shouted at Michael, curious, but he just continued to drag me somewhere without answering my question. In a minute we stopped in front of a bar counter.

Michael was grinning from ear to ear and I smiled upon seeing Calum hood, one of the few good college friends that I have, and was talking about a while ago.

"Dude, you have to make us the most fucking fantastic drink that you can make there in your little cute counter, or else Luke will have to take off his pants and jacket!" Michael screamed as if Calum wasn't in front of him at all.

The pun made Calum and I snicker, then he asked, “Blink 182 times first!”

Michael laughed and casually sat on a stool. “Haha, but seriously though. Give us a drink then Luke will gladly dance without his pants on.”

The smile on my face disappeared in a nanosecond and I playfully shoved Michael in his seat. Who the fuck, in his right and sober mind, dances without pants on? And in front of my students?

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