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Leila's family greeted her with happy and emotional faces, especially her brother Kellin. The last time he toured in France Leila didn't want him to see her, but she went to their concert because she missed him, too.

They spent the whole day exchanging stories and hugs and kisses, and the night ended with Leila smiling so wide her cheeks were hurting a lot. She felt better than the past two years in France and she realized that she's such a fool for leaving the place she calls home. Her family showered her with love and she couldn't ask for more.

Her family said that they enrolled her in the University of New York, the same school her best friend studies in and she immediately squealed and peppered her parents' faces with kisses. She called Kendall and informed her about it, but too bad she couldn't see the smirk on Kendall's face when she told her the news.

Destiny, huh?



I'm so nervous and jittery when my first day at my new university comes. I'm currently wearing a "what about no?" statement tank top with skinny jeans and black leather mid cut converse. Some boys are whistling whenever I pass by them but my face remains uninterested. Who do they think are to be worthy of my attention? University guys are usually conceited douche bags.

Kendall's first subject ends in fifteen minutes, and mine is in twenty, so we agreed that she's going to walk me to my next class and talk along the way. While waiting for my best friend in the same building, I decide to go on my Instagram and take a selfie with a fierce look and post it with a caption, "I'm back bitches!", tagging my high school bitch clique and adding University of NYC as the location.

"Leila!" I turn around and see Kendall jogging up to me holding two Starbucks cups in her hands. "Did you wait too long?" she asks, slightly panting.

I shake my head no and we start to walk in the hallway I'm supposed to go to. "You've got stats am I right?" she looks at the binder I'm holding and nods her head at my printed schedule. "Alright, it's this way. I think it's not prohibited to eat since the professors basically doesn't give a shit. There will be like fifty of you in the class so there's no problem at all. Be aware of perverts though, watching rated videos while class is going on. Kick them if they disturb your concentration!"

I laugh and take a sip of my chocolate chip drink. "Well, I'll text you if the class is boring. I really hate math so I'm probably going to be on my phone like the little old me." I giggle.

"She hadn't left, had she?" Kendie smiles, looking at me in a meaningful way. I raise an eyebrow and shrugs my shoulders.

"I don't really know. But yeah, I think so. There's only one Leila Quinn in the entire universe and no one can replace her."

She grins and stops in front of a classroom with the sign L1-03. "That means Left side, 1st floor Room 03 so that you won't get lost in your next subject. I'll be in another building so we'll see each other at lunch okay?"

I hug her tight and say, "Okay, I'll see you. I'll be fine and hopefully I don't mess my first day up with my bitchiness."

She giggles and steps back. "You'll be fine. I know he'll take care of you. Bye!" before I can ask her who he is, she runs away, her brown dip dyed violet hair swaying in the wind. I go inside the room and pick an empty seat in the middle.

Minutes after, I hear the door abruptly open but I don't give an effort to look up. This is math, I don't want to be involved in this subject today.

"Don't stand up and greet me, I don't give a shit. Just listen to what I teach and we'll be good for another day. Turn your book to page 394." the manly voice says, and ugh. Please, I don't want to do a math exercise during my first subject in my very first day!

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