One Bed Trope 1/2 - (2219)

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One bed...there was one fuckin bed not two one.

"im going back down to the desk lady and asking her for a second room moving like im going to share a bed with you" i say pissed as i turn to face ghost.

He shrugged "fine by me" he grumbled, i turned to leave "but dont forget Laswell paid for this room and getting a new one is going to cost you a this is the last room available the rest are booked" he said a hint of anger in his own voice as he glared at me.

I held eye contact for a bit before turning around and throwing my hands up in the air "your fuckin kidding me!" i scoff crossing my arms and huffing a little, whilst pouting like a child "this is stupid...silly....ludicrous if were using your damned Brit terms!" i muttered. to put it simple, i hated ghost, with absolute passion.

"Whatever" he said walking into the joint seating room and taking a seat on the sofa, flicking through channels. "so your not gonna do shit? not even gonna call Price or anything!?" i exclaimed frustrated with the situation at hand.

He let out an inaudible noise of contempt "do what you want as long as i dont have to see you butt naked or even worse cuddling with me tonight" he said his deep raspy voice before adding a small whisper that consisted of "dickhead" if it is what i had heard correctly.

"Oi fuck you too dickhead" i spat before taking out my phone and calling Price, i put it on speaker.

it rang one.


three times now

i just knew him and the rest of 141 were staring at the phone and laughing.

Four times now im getting pissed.

"just answer the fuckin phone you idiot!" i yell just as he answered the phone.

"oh uh captain permission to speak my mind?" i asked slowly.

He let out a chuckle before nodding "Sure"

"ok what the actual FUCK is this arrangement sir?" i scoffed.

"what arrangement?" he asked acting oblivious.

"you know what im talkin bout Price dont fuckin piss me off" i growled.

i laughed sarcastically before shaking my head "i am not tryna deal with that one bed situation!"

"and that fuckin pendejo" i say pointing at ghost although price couldnt see me it didnt stop me from doing it.

He flipped me off as he began to flick through news channels "yeah yeah we all get your pissed off your head princess calm ya shits down you silly wanker" he yelled.

I grumbled in distaste "see he's insufferable!" i yell off my head completely.

"Acting like your not some petty pampered princess yeah dont act like your all that luv" he retorted.

"Price i am not going to survive a night in this suite price i am going to die Price......Price?......PRICE YOU OLD BASTARD ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!" i yell at the phone.

He cleared his throat "sorry soap and Gaz were imitating you and ghost somehow even them bickering is even more entertaining than the two of you" he chuckled.

"Oh fuck off your no help old man" i scoffed, ending the call, not before hearing the whole taskforce laughing in the background.

"so how'd that one go for you then princess sad you didnt get what you wanted? gonna throw a tantrum on me because fatherly figure price couldnt give you another room?" i knew he was grinning i could hear the grin, feel it radiating off of him.

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